[CARTE][B] The neural bases of multisensory processes

MM Murray, MT Wallace - 2011 - taylorfrancis.com
It has become accepted in the neuroscience community that perception and performance
are quintessentially multisensory by nature. Using the full palette of modern brain imaging …

Intersensory binding across space and time: a tutorial review

L Chen, J Vroomen - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2013 - Springer
Spatial ventriloquism refers to the phenomenon that a visual stimulus such as a flash can
attract the perceived location of a spatially discordant but temporally synchronous sound. An …

[HTML][HTML] Perception of synchrony between the senses

M Keetels, J Vroomen - The neural bases of multisensory …, 2012 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Most of our real-world perceptual experiences are specified by synchronous redundant
and/or complementary multisensory perceptual attributes. As an example, a talker can be …

Multisensory perception

C Spence - Stevens' handbook of experimental psychology and …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
There has been a huge growth of interest in the topic of multisensory perception over the
past half century. The majority of this research has focused on the spatial senses of vision …

Crossmodal duration perception involves perceptual grou**, temporal ventriloquism, and variable internal clock rates

PC Klink, JS Montijn, RJA van Wezel - Attention, Perception, & …, 2011 - Springer
Here, we investigate how audiovisual context affects perceived event duration with
experiments in which observers reported which of two stimuli they perceived as longer …

Auditory temporal modulation of the visual Ternus effect: the influence of time interval

Z Shi, L Chen, HJ Müller - Experimental Brain Research, 2010 - Springer
Research on multisensory interactions has shown that the perceived timing of a visual event
can be captured by a temporally proximal sound. This effect has been termed 'temporal …

Aging and audio-visual and multi-cue integration in motion

E Roudaia, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett… - Frontiers in …, 2013 - frontiersin.org
The perception of naturalistic events relies on the ability to integrate information from
multiple sensory systems, an ability that may change with healthy aging. When two objects …

Fast transfer of crossmodal time interval training

L Chen, X Zhou - Experimental Brain Research, 2014 - Springer
Sub-second time perception is essential for many important sensory and perceptual tasks
including speech perception, motion perception, motor coordination, and crossmodal …

Sounds modulate the perceived duration of visual stimuli via crossmodal integration

R Asaoka, J Gyoba - Multisensory research, 2016 - brill.com
Previous studies have shown that the perceived duration of visual stimuli can be strongly
distorted by auditory stimuli presented simultaneously. In this study, we examine whether …

Influences of intra-and crossmodal grou** on visual and tactile Ternus apparent motion

L Chen, Z Shi, HJ Müller - Brain Research, 2010 - Elsevier
Previous studies of dynamic crossmodal integration have revealed that the direction of
apparent motion in a target modality can be influenced by a spatially incongruent motion …