Editorial power and public participation in online newspapers

KA Ihlebæk, AH Krumsvik - Journalism, 2015‏ - journals.sagepub.com
The Internet has radically increased the opportunity for the public to take part in debate and
deliberation, challenging the hegemonic position of the established media as the facilitators …

The limits of the debate: How the Oslo terror shook the Norwegian immigration debate

TU Figenschou, A Beyer - The International Journal of Press …, 2014‏ - journals.sagepub.com
How do disruptive events such as terrorism, disasters, and crises change public discourses?
Do they alter journalistic distinctions between legitimate utterances and unacceptable …

User experiences with editorial control in online newspaper comment fields

AS Løvlie, KA Ihlebæk, AO Larsson - Journalism Practice, 2018‏ - Taylor & Francis
This article investigates user experiences with editorial control in online newspaper
comment fields following the public backlash against online comments after the 2011 terror …

Consensus and dissent after terror: Editorial policies in times of crisis

K Thorbjørnsrud, TU Figenschou - Journalism, 2018‏ - journals.sagepub.com
This article analyses the role of central editors in constructing a national debate in the
Norwegian media after the 2011 Oslo terror attacks. A broad literature has documented that …

Disruptive media events: Managing mediated dissent in the aftermath of terror

T Ustad Figenschou, K Thorbjørnsrud - Journalism Practice, 2017‏ - Taylor & Francis
Terror attacks force democratic societies to mobilize, reinforce and rethink core values,
including media freedom and freedom of speech. The present article analyzes how one …

'Friends call me racist': Experiences of repercussions from writing comments on newspaper websites

AS Løvlie, KA Ihlebæk, AO Larsson - Journalism, 2021‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Based on a survey among contributors to the online comments sections of four Norwegian
newspapers, we investigate the following research question: How do contributors describe …

Constructive comments? Designing an online debate system for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation

AS Løvlie - Journalism Practice, 2018‏ - Taylor & Francis
This article brings together two strands of research that have the potential to inform the
development of constructive forms of journalism: online comments and media design …

Metajournalism and media critique: responses to" extremist voices" in the digitalized news landscape

AMG Larsen, TU Figenschou - International Journal of Communication, 2019‏ - duo.uio.no
Metadebates concerning how the news media deal with extremism have intensified in the
digital media landscape. This article analyzes metajournalistic discourse following a …

Get lost, troll: How accusations of trolling in newspaper comment sections affect the debate

MA Knustad - 2020‏ - bora.uib.no
This qualitative study explores instances where someone is accused of being a troll or a bot
in newspaper comment sections. Trolls have been known to create a hostile environment in …

Freedom of expression or censorship of antisemitic hate speech? Editorial and audience perspectives on comment moderation in far-right alternative media

BP Haanshuus - Journalistica, 2022‏ - duo.uio.no
Taking the dilemma between freedom of expression and censorship of antisemitic hate
speech as a point of departure, this article explores how three prominent and controversial …