Climate change could shift disease burden from malaria to arboviruses in Africa
Malaria is a long-standing public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas arthropod-
borne viruses (arboviruses) such as dengue and chikungunya cause an under-recognised …
borne viruses (arboviruses) such as dengue and chikungunya cause an under-recognised …
Mathematical modeling of climate change and malaria transmission dynamics: a historical review
Malaria, one of the greatest historical killers of mankind, continues to claim around half a
million lives annually, with almost all deaths occurring in children under the age of five living …
million lives annually, with almost all deaths occurring in children under the age of five living …
[HTML][HTML] Comparing smallholder farmers' perception of climate change with meteorological data: A case study from southwestern Nigeria
This paper examines smallholder farmers' perceptions of climate change, climate variability
and their impacts, and adaptation strategies adopted over the past three decades. We use …
and their impacts, and adaptation strategies adopted over the past three decades. We use …
Quantifying the effects of temperature on mosquito and parasite traits that determine the transmission potential of human malaria
Malaria transmission is known to be strongly impacted by temperature. The current
understanding of how temperature affects mosquito and parasite life history traits derives …
understanding of how temperature affects mosquito and parasite life history traits derives …
Estimating the effects of temperature on transmission of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum
Despite concern that climate change could increase the human risk to malaria in certain
areas, the temperature dependency of malaria transmission is poorly characterized. Here …
areas, the temperature dependency of malaria transmission is poorly characterized. Here …
Spatial spillovers of violent conflict amplify the impacts of climate variability on malaria risk in sub-Saharan Africa
Africa carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden, accounting for
94% of malaria cases and deaths worldwide in 2019. It is also a politically unstable region …
94% of malaria cases and deaths worldwide in 2019. It is also a politically unstable region …
Future malaria environmental suitability in Africa is sensitive to hydrology
Changes in climate shift the geographic locations that are suitable for malaria transmission
because of the thermal constraints on vector Anopheles mosquitos and Plasmodium spp …
because of the thermal constraints on vector Anopheles mosquitos and Plasmodium spp …
Malaria, climate variability, and interventions: modelling transmission dynamics
Assessment of the relative impact of climate change on malaria dynamics is a complex
problem. Climate is a well-known factor that plays a crucial role in driving malaria outbreaks …
problem. Climate is a well-known factor that plays a crucial role in driving malaria outbreaks …
How will mosquitoes adapt to climate warming?
The potential for adaptive evolution to enable species persistence under a changing climate
is one of the most important questions for understanding impacts of future climate change …
is one of the most important questions for understanding impacts of future climate change …
The effect of extreme temperature and precipitation on cause-specific deaths in rural Burkina Faso: a longitudinal study
Background Extreme weather is becoming more common due to climate change and
threatens human health through climate-sensitive diseases, with very uneven effects around …
threatens human health through climate-sensitive diseases, with very uneven effects around …