A survey on provenance: What for? What form? What from?
M Herschel, R Diestelkämper, H Ben Lahmar - The VLDB Journal, 2017 - Springer
Provenance refers to any information describing the production process of an end product,
which can be anything from a piece of digital data to a physical object. While this survey …
which can be anything from a piece of digital data to a physical object. While this survey …
Putting lipstick on pig: Enabling database-style workflow provenance
Workflow provenance typically assumes that each module is a" black-box", so that each
output depends on all inputs (coarse-grained dependencies). Furthermore, it does not …
output depends on all inputs (coarse-grained dependencies). Furthermore, it does not …
Data provenance
B Glavic - Foundations and Trends® in Databases, 2021 - nowpublishers.com
Data provenance has evolved from a niche topic to a mainstream area of research in
databases and other research communities. This article gives a comprehensive introduction …
databases and other research communities. This article gives a comprehensive introduction …
The semiring framework for database provenance
Imagine a computational process that uses a complex input consisting of multiple" items"(eg,
files, tables, tuples, parameters, configuration rules) The provenance analysis of such a …
files, tables, tuples, parameters, configuration rules) The provenance analysis of such a …
ProvSQL: Provenance and probability management in PostgreSQL
This demonstration showcases ProvSQL, an open-source module for the PostgreSQL
database management system that adds support for computation of provenance and …
database management system that adds support for computation of provenance and …
Data distribution debugging in machine learning pipelines
Abstract Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used to automate impactful decisions, and
the risks arising from this widespread use are garnering attention from policy makers …
the risks arising from this widespread use are garnering attention from policy makers …
[PDF][PDF] Circuits for Datalog Provenance.
The annotation of the results of database queries with provenance information has many
applications. This paper studies provenance for datalog queries. We start by considering …
applications. This paper studies provenance for datalog queries. We start by considering …
The good, the bad, and the differences: Better network diagnostics with differential provenance
In this paper, we propose a new approach to diagnosing problems in complex distributed
systems. Our approach is based on the insight that many of the trickiest problems are …
systems. Our approach is based on the insight that many of the trickiest problems are …
Functional collection programming with semi-ring dictionaries
This paper introduces semi-ring dictionaries, a powerful class of compositional and purely
functional collections that subsume other collection types such as sets, multisets, arrays …
functional collections that subsume other collection types such as sets, multisets, arrays …
Provenance and probabilities in relational databases
P Senellart - ACM SIGMOD Record, 2018 - dl.acm.org
We review the basics of data provenance in relational databases. We describe different
provenance formalisms, from Boolean provenance to provenance semirings and beyond …
provenance formalisms, from Boolean provenance to provenance semirings and beyond …