Nutritional status, diet and viral respiratory infections: perspectives for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
COVID-19, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was
recognised by the WHO as a pandemic in 2020. Host preparation to combat the virus is an …
recognised by the WHO as a pandemic in 2020. Host preparation to combat the virus is an …
From diabetes care to diabetes cure—the integration of systems biology, eHealth, and behavioral change
From a biological view, most of the processes involved in insulin resistance, which drives the
pathobiology of type 2 diabetes, are reversible. This theoretically makes the disease …
pathobiology of type 2 diabetes, are reversible. This theoretically makes the disease …
Current and future nutritional strategies to modulate inflammatory dynamics in metabolic disorders
Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic disorders have a large impact on global
health, especially in Western countries. An important hallmark of metabolic disorders is …
health, especially in Western countries. An important hallmark of metabolic disorders is …
[PDF][PDF] Increased micronutrient requirements during physiologically demanding situations: Review of the current evidence
K Wishart - Vitam Miner, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Every day, the human body is exposed to physical and psychological challenges that upset
its internal equilibrium. Strenuous activities, daily defense against pathogens or the …
its internal equilibrium. Strenuous activities, daily defense against pathogens or the …
[HTML][HTML] Mineral-enriched postbiotics: A new perspective for microbial therapy to prevent and treat gut dysbiosis
Postbiotics are non-viable probiotic preparations that confer a health benefit on the host. In
the last years, scientific literature has proved that postbiotics have health-promoting features …
the last years, scientific literature has proved that postbiotics have health-promoting features …
[HTML][HTML] Personalised interventions—a precision approach for the next generation of dietary intervention studies
Diet is a key modifiable risk factor for non-communicable diseases. However, we currently
are not benefitting from the full potential of its protective effects. This is due to a number of …
are not benefitting from the full potential of its protective effects. This is due to a number of …
Zinc enhances the cellular energy supply to improve cell motility and restore impaired energetic metabolism in a toxic environment induced by OTA
Exogenous nutrient elements modulate the energetic metabolism responses that are
prerequisites for cellular homeostasis and metabolic physiology. Although zinc is important …
prerequisites for cellular homeostasis and metabolic physiology. Although zinc is important …
Metabolomics of chlorophylls and carotenoids: analytical methods and metabolome-based studies
Chlorophylls and carotenoids are two families of antioxidants present in daily ingested
foods, whose recognition as added-value ingredients runs in parallel with the increasing …
foods, whose recognition as added-value ingredients runs in parallel with the increasing …
[HTML][HTML] Dietary intakes and eating behavior between metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity phenotypes in Asian children and adolescents
DSQ Ooi, JY Toh, LYB Ng, Z Peng, S Yang… - Nutrients, 2022 - mdpi.com
Diet plays a critical role in the development of obesity and obesity-related morbidities. Our
study aimed to evaluate the dietary food groups, nutrient intakes and eating behaviors of …
study aimed to evaluate the dietary food groups, nutrient intakes and eating behaviors of …
The exposome paradigm to predict environmental health in terms of systemic homeostasis and resource balance based on NMR data science
The environment, from microbial ecosystems to recycled resources, fluctuates dynamically
due to many physical, chemical and biological factors, the profile of which reflects changes …
due to many physical, chemical and biological factors, the profile of which reflects changes …