Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui konservasi tanaman obat untuk menunjang penyediaan bahan baku produksi jamu tradisional
Abstract The Gogik Village Government has a medicinal plant conservation program that
involves the community in cultivating various types of medicinal plants. Yards and gardens …
involves the community in cultivating various types of medicinal plants. Yards and gardens …
Edukasi Kesehatan Tentang Aktivitas Fisik Dan Gizi Seimbang Selama Pandemi Covid 19
Abstrak Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Mayarakat (PKM) bertujuan untuk memberikan
edukasi dan pelatihan kepada warga masyarakat di Desa Kencana Harapan, Kecamatan …
edukasi dan pelatihan kepada warga masyarakat di Desa Kencana Harapan, Kecamatan …
Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (Toga) Sebagai Minuman Kesehatan Alami Bernilai Ekonomi Bagi Ibu PKK
Tanaman obat keluarga (TOGA) adalah tanaman hasil budidaya rumahan yang berkhasiat
sebagai obat dengan memanfaatkan pekarangan sebagai sarana budidaya tanaman obat …
sebagai obat dengan memanfaatkan pekarangan sebagai sarana budidaya tanaman obat …
Konservasi Tanaman Obat Keluarga Unggulan Sebagai Bahan Jamu Tradisional
FA Hastuari, A Sufanniyah, AR Dewi… - Jurnal Pemberdayaan …, 2023 -
The potential for very diverse biological riches such as superior Family Medicinal Plants
(TOGA) has great potential. For this reason, it is necessary to organize a program so that its …
(TOGA) has great potential. For this reason, it is necessary to organize a program so that its …
Back to Nature-Toga Menjadi Produk Olahan Herbal yang Bernilai Ekonomis
WO Tikirik, J Turuallo, N Maulani - … Masyarakat Bidang Sains …, 2022 -
TOGA is one of the best options to deal with health problems independently at home without
having to come to a health facility as well as an effort to reduce the use of chemical drugs by …
having to come to a health facility as well as an effort to reduce the use of chemical drugs by …
Empowerment and Counseling about Traditional Medicinal Plants (Jamu) to Facilitate Breast Milk (ASI) for Breastfeeding Mothers and PKK Mothers in Pasar X Village …
B Mangkuji, JB Sitepu… - Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2023 -
This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers with
babies aged 0-2 years, PKK mothers and cadre mothers to better understand the benefits of …
babies aged 0-2 years, PKK mothers and cadre mothers to better understand the benefits of …
Pemanfaatan Tanaman Agroforestri Sebagai Bahan Baku Jamu Instan di Kelurahan Bukit Biru Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
DPD Ramadhanti, M Badia, DR Sari… - Jurnal Masyarakat …, 2022 -
Jamu atau obat tradisional merupakan bahan ramuan yang diturunkan secara turun
temurun. Jamu biasa digunakan untuk pengobatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan yang …
temurun. Jamu biasa digunakan untuk pengobatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan yang …
Kelurahan Ipilo merupakan salah satu kelurahan di Kota Gorontalo yang umumnya masih
memiliki pekarangan yang luas untuk pemanfaatan TOGA. Berdasarkan pengamatan …
memiliki pekarangan yang luas untuk pemanfaatan TOGA. Berdasarkan pengamatan …
Training On Making Perfomed Herbs Jahe Instant In The Village Of Banda Buek The City Of Padang
R Sepriani - Jurnal Humanities Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021 -
Medicinal herb is known as" herbal medicine". Based on the observations that have been
made, the community in each house in the village of Bnadar Buat has plants that can be …
made, the community in each house in the village of Bnadar Buat has plants that can be …
Increasing Entrepreneurship Ability of Student of Sport Science Faculty
The main problem in this activity is that the students' abilities are not maximal in relation to
entrepreneurship. The main problem lies in the managerial ability of business …
entrepreneurship. The main problem lies in the managerial ability of business …