Uncovering the truth about fake news: A research model grounded in multi-disciplinary literature
Many diverse fields across academia are interested in the fake news (FN) phenomenon. A
multidisciplinary literature review can provide researchers with new insights, alternative …
multidisciplinary literature review can provide researchers with new insights, alternative …
Just what is data-driven campaigning? A systematic review
Discussions of data-driven campaigning have gained increased prominence in recent years.
Often associated with the practices of Cambridge Analytica and linked to debates about the …
Often associated with the practices of Cambridge Analytica and linked to debates about the …
[หนังสือ][B] Outside the bubble: Social media and political participation in western democracies
C Vaccari, A Valeriani - 2021 - books.google.com
Much time has been spent over the past decade debating whether social media contribute to
democracy. Drawing on an original study of internet users across nine Western …
democracy. Drawing on an original study of internet users across nine Western …
Are campaigns getting uglier, and who is to blame? Negativity, dramatization and populism on Facebook in the 2014 and 2019 EP election campaigns
Relating to theories of dissonant public spheres and affective publics, we study negativity,
dramatization, and populist content in political party Facebook posts across 12 countries …
dramatization, and populist content in political party Facebook posts across 12 countries …
Populism in the era of Twitter: How social media contextualized new insights into an old phenomenon
With the advent of social media, political communication scholars have systematically
revised theories and empirical corollaries revolving media use and democracy at large …
revised theories and empirical corollaries revolving media use and democracy at large …
Data-driven campaigning and democratic disruption: Evidence from six advanced democracies
Data-driven campaigning has become one of the key foci for academic and non-academic
audiences interested in political communication. Widely seen to have transformed political …
audiences interested in political communication. Widely seen to have transformed political …
[หนังสือ][B] Data-driven campaigning and political parties: Five advanced democracies compared
K Dommett, G Kefford, S Kruschinski - 2024 - books.google.com
What is data-driven campaigning? According to prevailing accounts, this idea describes the
rise of increasingly sophisticated, highly targeted, and often invasive uses of data deployed …
rise of increasingly sophisticated, highly targeted, and often invasive uses of data deployed …
[PDF][PDF] Comparing political communication: A 2020 update
F Esser, B Pfetsch - Comparative politics, 2020 - researchgate.net
Comparing Political Communication: A 2020 Update Page 1 1 Comparing Political
Communication: A 2020 Update Frank Esser (University of Zurich) and Barbara Pfetsch (Freie …
Communication: A 2020 Update Frank Esser (University of Zurich) and Barbara Pfetsch (Freie …
Beneficial or harmful? How (mis) fit of targeted political advertising on social media shapes voter perceptions
M Hirsch, M Stubenvoll, A Binder… - Journal of Advertising, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Targeted political advertising (TPA) on social media builds on tailoring messages to (groups
of) individuals' characteristics based on user data. Questions have been raised about the …
of) individuals' characteristics based on user data. Questions have been raised about the …
Understanding digital campaign competence: Conceptualizing data-driven political advertising literacy
Technological advancements create new ways of informing and persuading citizens in the
political advertising context. Insights are limited regarding how citizens deal with data-driven …
political advertising context. Insights are limited regarding how citizens deal with data-driven …