Applications of laser wakefield accelerator-based light sources
Laser-wakefield accelerators (LWFAs) were proposed more than three decades ago, and
while they promise to deliver compact, high energy particle accelerators, they will also …
while they promise to deliver compact, high energy particle accelerators, they will also …
Femtosecond x rays from laser-plasma accelerators
Relativistic interaction of short-pulse lasers with underdense plasmas has recently led to the
emergence of a novel generation of femtosecond x-ray sources. Based on radiation from …
emergence of a novel generation of femtosecond x-ray sources. Based on radiation from …
Physics of laser-driven plasma-based electron accelerators
Laser-driven plasma-based accelerators, which are capable of supporting fields in excess of
100 GV∕ m, are reviewed. This includes the laser wakefield accelerator, the plasma beat …
100 GV∕ m, are reviewed. This includes the laser wakefield accelerator, the plasma beat …
Undepleted direct laser acceleration
Intense lasers enable generating high-energy particle beams in university-scale
laboratories. With the direct laser acceleration (DLA) method, the leading part of the laser …
laboratories. With the direct laser acceleration (DLA) method, the leading part of the laser …
Relativistic high-power laser–matter interactions
Recent advances in laser technology have pushed the frontier of maximum intensity
achieved to about 1022W/cm2 and investigators currently believe even higher intensities …
achieved to about 1022W/cm2 and investigators currently believe even higher intensities …
Direct laser acceleration in underdense plasmas with multi-PW lasers: a path to high-charge, GeV-class electron bunches
The direct laser acceleration (DLA) of electrons in underdense plasmas can provide
hundreds of nC of electrons accelerated to near-GeV energies using currently available …
hundreds of nC of electrons accelerated to near-GeV energies using currently available …
Laser acceleration of highly energetic carbon ions using a double-layer target composed of slightly underdense plasma and ultrathin foil
We report the experimental generation of highly energetic carbon ions up to 48 MeV per
nucleon by shooting double-layer targets composed of well-controlled slightly underdense …
nucleon by shooting double-layer targets composed of well-controlled slightly underdense …
[HTML][HTML] Beyond the ponderomotive limit: Direct laser acceleration of relativistic electrons in sub-critical plasmas
We examine a regime in which a linearly polarized laser pulse with relativistic intensity
irradiates a sub-critical plasma for much longer than the characteristic electron response …
irradiates a sub-critical plasma for much longer than the characteristic electron response …
Observation of Synchrotron Radiation from Electrons Accelerated<? format?> in a Petawatt-Laser-Generated Plasma Cavity
The dynamics of plasma electrons in the focus of a petawatt laser beam are studied via
measurements of their x-ray synchrotron radiation. With increasing laser intensity, a forward …
measurements of their x-ray synchrotron radiation. With increasing laser intensity, a forward …
Collimated Multi-MeV Ion Beams from High-Intensity Laser Interactions<? format?> with Underdense Plasma
A beam of multi-MeV helium ions has been observed from the interaction of a short-pulse
high-intensity laser pulse with underdense helium plasma. The ion beam was found to have …
high-intensity laser pulse with underdense helium plasma. The ion beam was found to have …