Strong continentality and effective moisture drove unforeseen vegetation dynamics since the last interglacial at inland Mediterranean areas: The Villarquemado …
Few continental palaeoenvironmental sedimentary sequences from Southern Europe are
long enough to span the last interglacial period (Marine Isotopic Stage-MIS 5), the last …
long enough to span the last interglacial period (Marine Isotopic Stage-MIS 5), the last …
Neanderthals in a highly diverse, mediterranean-Eurosiberian forest ecotone: the pleistocene pollen record of Teixoneres Cave, northeastern Spain
A palynological study of the archaeological layers from the Neanderthal site of Teixoneres
Cave, located in Northeastern Spain, is presented. Vegetation dynamics for the MIS 7-MIS 2 …
Cave, located in Northeastern Spain, is presented. Vegetation dynamics for the MIS 7-MIS 2 …
Reconstructing formation processes at the Canary Islands indigenous site of Belmaco Cave (La Palma, Spain) through a multiproxy geoarchaeological approach
The indigenous populations of La Palma (Canary Islands), who arrived on the island from
Northwest Africa ca. 2000 years BP, were predominantly pastoralists. Yet, many aspects of …
Northwest Africa ca. 2000 years BP, were predominantly pastoralists. Yet, many aspects of …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating different methods for calculating the Carbon Preference Index (CPI): Implications for palaeoecological and archaeological research
Abstract The Carbon Preference Index (CPI) is a molecular ratio often used to assign the
biological source and maturity of organic matter. This parameter is frequently employed in …
biological source and maturity of organic matter. This parameter is frequently employed in …
[HTML][HTML] Searching for traces of human activity in earthen floor sequences: high-resolution geoarchaeological analyses at an Early Iron Age village in Central Iberia
Abstract The Northern Iberian Plateau during the Early Iron Age witnessed the proliferation
of villages, showcasing well-preserved earthen architectural remains that offer valuable …
of villages, showcasing well-preserved earthen architectural remains that offer valuable …
Multidisciplinary evidence of an isolated Neanderthal occupation in Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Iberian Peninsula)
Testing Neanderthal behavioural hypotheses requires a spatial–temporal resolution to the
level of a human single occupation episode. Yet, most of the behavioural data on …
level of a human single occupation episode. Yet, most of the behavioural data on …
Fuel sources, natural vegetation and subsistence at a high-altitude aboriginal settlement in Tenerife, Canary Islands: Microcontextual geoarchaeological data from …
High-altitude island environments, with their characteristic strong seasonal contrast and
limited resources, are challenging contexts for human subsistence. However, although …
limited resources, are challenging contexts for human subsistence. However, although …
Plant wax biomarkers in human evolutionary studies
Plant wax biomarkers are an innovative proxy for reconstructing vegetation composition and
structure, rainfall intensity, temperature, and other climatic and environmental dynamics …
structure, rainfall intensity, temperature, and other climatic and environmental dynamics …
Dating agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean using luminescence: recent progress and challenges
Agricultural terraces provide farmers in hilly landscapes with effective ways to increase the
area available for crops. They mitigate the risks of soil erosion and promote crop productivity …
area available for crops. They mitigate the risks of soil erosion and promote crop productivity …
[HTML][HTML] Neolithic livestock practices in high mountain areas: A multi-proxy study of pastoral enclosures of Molleres II (Eastern Pyrenees)
This paper presents the results of the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental investigation
carried out at Molleres II site located at 2.425 m asl in the area of Puigpedrós-Malniu …
carried out at Molleres II site located at 2.425 m asl in the area of Puigpedrós-Malniu …