Using time-varying systems to challenge fundamental limitations in electromagnetics: Overview and summary of applications
Time-varying systems open intriguing opportunities to explore novel approaches in the
design of efficient electromagnetic devices. While such explorations date back to more than …
design of efficient electromagnetic devices. While such explorations date back to more than …
A tutorial on the basics of time-varying electromagnetic systems and circuits: Historic overview and basic concepts of time-modulation
During the last decade, possibilities to realize new phenomena and create new applications
by varying system properties in time have gained increasing attention in many research …
by varying system properties in time have gained increasing attention in many research …
Broadband frequency translation through time refraction in an epsilon-near-zero material
Abstract Space-time duality in paraxial optical wave propagation implies the existence of
intriguing effects when light interacts with a material exhibiting two refractive indexes …
intriguing effects when light interacts with a material exhibiting two refractive indexes …
[HTML][HTML] Temporal multilayer structures for designing higher-order transfer functions using time-varying metamaterials
Temporal metamaterials are artificial materials whose electromagnetic properties change
over time. In analogy with spatial media and metamaterials, where their properties change …
over time. In analogy with spatial media and metamaterials, where their properties change …
Temporal refraction in an acoustic phononic lattice
In this Letter, we present the first experimental demonstration of the temporal refraction of
acoustic waves in a phononic lattice. A step change in grounding stiffness results in a …
acoustic waves in a phononic lattice. A step change in grounding stiffness results in a …
Functional analysis of the polarization response in linear time-varying media: A generalization of the Kramers-Kronig relations
We explore the mathematical theory to rigorously describe the response of media with linear
time-varying, generally dispersive, electromagnetic constitutive parameters. We show that …
time-varying, generally dispersive, electromagnetic constitutive parameters. We show that …
Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at a temporal boundary
We consider propagation of an electromagnetic (EM) wave through a dynamic optical
medium whose refractive index varies with time. Specifically, we focus on the reflection and …
medium whose refractive index varies with time. Specifically, we focus on the reflection and …
Optical time reversal from time-dependent epsilon-near-zero media
Materials with a spatially uniform but temporally varying optical response have applications
ranging from magnetic field-free optical isolators to fundamental studies of quantum field …
ranging from magnetic field-free optical isolators to fundamental studies of quantum field …
Linear frequency conversion via sudden merging of meta-atoms in time-variant metasurfaces
The energy of an electromagnetic wave is converted as the wave passes through a temporal
boundary. Thus, effective temporal control of the medium is critical for frequency conversion …
boundary. Thus, effective temporal control of the medium is critical for frequency conversion …
Inverse prism based on temporal discontinuity and spatial dispersion
We introduce the concept of the inverse prism as the dual of the conventional prism and
deduce from this duality an implementation of it based on temporal discontinuity and spatial …
deduce from this duality an implementation of it based on temporal discontinuity and spatial …