Energy systems capacity planning under high renewable penetration considering concentrating solar power

J Li, T Lu, X Yi, M An, R Hao - Sustainable Energy Technologies and …, 2024 - Elsevier
With the rapid development of renewable generation and the promotion of “Clean Heating”,
the uncertainty of renewables as well as rising energy demand has posed significant …

Distributionally robust multistage dispatch with discrete recourse of energy storage systems

X Zheng, ME Khodayar, J Wang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
Energy storage systems (ESS) are indispensable building blocks of power systems with a
high share of variable renewable energy. As energy-limited resources, ESS should be …

Distributionally robust optimization model considering deep peak shaving and uncertainty of renewable energy

Y Zhu, J Liu, Y Hu, Y **-Zhou/publication/378782080_Addressing_Wind_Power_Forecast_Errors_in_Day-Ahead_Pricing_With_Energy_Storage_Systems_A_Distributionally_Robust_Joint_Chance-Constrained_Approach/links/668dfbcd3e0edb1e0fd96fee/Addressing-Wind-Power-Forecast-Errors-in-Day-Ahead-Pricing-With-Energy-Storage-Systems-A-Distributionally-Robust-Joint-Chance-Constrained-Approach.pdf" data-clk="hl=bg&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=4&d=16322287983374969917&ei=moLFZ4LABeeuieoP0ZismQs" data-clk-atid="PSyxEnFqhOIJ" target="_blank">[PDF]

Addressing wind power forecast errors in day-ahead pricing with energy storage systems: A distributionally robust joint chance-constrained approach

A Zhou, M Yang, X Fang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
The rapid integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) has imposed substantial
uncertainty and variability on the operation of power markets, which calls for …

A resilience-oriented multi-stage adaptive distribution system planning considering multiple extreme weather events

S Wang, R Bo - IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2023 -
Climate change may increase the risk of an area being hit by multiple extreme weather
events, which brings significant challenges for distribution system planners in an increasing …

Collaborative allocation model and balanced interaction strategy of multi flexible resources in the new power system based on Stackelberg game theory

Z Ting, W Yunna - Renewable Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
For realizing environment protection and carbon emission reduction strategy, the dominant
position of renewable energy in the future power system has been clarified. Planning …

Coordination of specialised energy aggregators for balancing service provision

C Diaz-Londono, CA Correa-Florez, J Vuelvas… - … Energy, Grids and …, 2022 - Elsevier
In the present context of evolution of the power and energy systems, more flexibility is
required on the generation and demand side, to cope with the increasing uncertainty mostly …

A hierarchical demand assessment methodology of peaking resources in multi-areas interconnected systems with a high percentage of renewables

LI Junhui, Y Pan, G Mu, G Chen, X Zhu, G Yan, C Li… - Applied Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
The uncertainty of wind power poses a serious challenge in peak regulation for multi-area
interconnected power system, and this paper proposes a method for quantitatively …