Graph representation learning meets computer vision: A survey
A graph structure is a powerful mathematical abstraction, which can not only represent
information about individuals but also capture the interactions between individuals for …
information about individuals but also capture the interactions between individuals for …
Graph convolutional networks for temporal action localization
Most state-of-the-art action localization systems process each action proposal individually,
without explicitly exploiting their relations during learning. However, the relations between …
without explicitly exploiting their relations during learning. However, the relations between …
Two-stream consensus network for weakly-supervised temporal action localization
Abstract Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization (W-TAL) aims to classify and
localize all action instances in an untrimmed video under only video-level supervision …
localize all action instances in an untrimmed video under only video-level supervision …
Location-aware graph convolutional networks for video question answering
We addressed the challenging task of video question answering, which requires machines
to answer questions about videos in a natural language form. Previous state-of-the-art …
to answer questions about videos in a natural language form. Previous state-of-the-art …
TransDose: Transformer-based radiotherapy dose prediction from CT images guided by super-pixel-level GCN classification
Radiotherapy is a mainstay treatment for cancer in clinic. An excellent radiotherapy
treatment plan is always based on a high-quality dose distribution map which is produced by …
treatment plan is always based on a high-quality dose distribution map which is produced by …
Multilabel image classification with regional latent semantic dependencies
Deep convolution neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated advanced performance on
single-label image classification, and various progress also has been made to apply CNN …
single-label image classification, and various progress also has been made to apply CNN …
Deep semantic dictionary learning for multi-label image classification
Compared with single-label image classification, multi-label image classification is more
practical and challenging. Some recent studies attempted to leverage the semantic …
practical and challenging. Some recent studies attempted to leverage the semantic …
Multi-label image classification via knowledge distillation from weakly-supervised detection
Multi-label image classification is a fundamental but challenging task towards general visual
understanding. Existing methods found the region-level cues (eg, features from RoIs) can …
understanding. Existing methods found the region-level cues (eg, features from RoIs) can …
Emerging topics and challenges of learning from noisy data in nonstandard classification: a survey beyond binary class noise
The problem of class noisy instances is omnipresent in different classification problems.
However, most of research focuses on noise handling in binary classification problems and …
However, most of research focuses on noise handling in binary classification problems and …
Conditional graphical lasso for multi-label image classification
Multi-label image classification aims to predict multiple labels for a single image which
contains diverse content. By utilizing label correlations, various techniques have been …
contains diverse content. By utilizing label correlations, various techniques have been …