Assessing ontogenetic maturity in extinct saurian reptiles
Morphology forms the most fundamental level of data in vertebrate palaeontology because it
is through interpretations of morphology that taxa are identified, creating the basis for broad …
is through interpretations of morphology that taxa are identified, creating the basis for broad …
An integrative approach to understanding bird origins
Background The origin of birds is one of the most enduring and dramatic evolutionary
debates. The hypothesis that the primarily small-sized birds are nested within a theropod …
debates. The hypothesis that the primarily small-sized birds are nested within a theropod …
[HTML][HTML] Potential for powered flight neared by most close avialan relatives, but few crossed its thresholds
Uncertainties in the phylogeny of birds (Avialae) and their closest relatives have impeded
deeper understanding of early theropod flight. To help address this, we produced an …
deeper understanding of early theropod flight. To help address this, we produced an …
Exploring the effects of weighting against homoplasy in genealogies of palaeontological phylogenetic matrices
MD Ezcurra - Cladistics, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Although simulations have shown that implied weighting (IW) outperforms equal weighting
(EW) in phylogenetic parsimony analyses, weighting against homoplasy lacks extensive …
(EW) in phylogenetic parsimony analyses, weighting against homoplasy lacks extensive …
Evolution of the carnivorous dinosaurs during the Cretaceous: the evidence from Patagonia
Patagonia has yielded the most comprehensive fossil record of Cretaceous theropods from
Gondwana, consisting of 31 nominal species belonging to singleton taxa and six families …
Gondwana, consisting of 31 nominal species belonging to singleton taxa and six families …
A pre-Archaeopteryx troodontid theropod from China with long feathers on the metatarsus
D Hu, L Hou, L Zhang, X Xu - Nature, 2009 - nature.com
The early evolution of the major groups of derived non-avialan theropods is still not well
understood, mainly because of their poor fossil record in the Jurassic. A well-known result of …
understood, mainly because of their poor fossil record in the Jurassic. A well-known result of …
An Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China and the origin of Avialae
X Xu, H You, K Du, F Han - Nature, 2011 - nature.com
Archaeopteryx is widely accepted as being the most basal bird, and accordingly it is
regarded as central to understanding avialan origins; however, recent discoveries of derived …
regarded as central to understanding avialan origins; however, recent discoveries of derived …
Estratigrafía del Grupo Neuquén, Cretácico Superior de la Cuenca Neuquina (Argentina): nueva propuesta de ordenamiento litoestratigráfico
AC Garrido - Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2010 - SciELO Argentina
El Grupo Neuquén conforma una sucesión de depósitos continentales de origen fluvial,
eólico y lacustre somero, desarrollado en la Cuenca Neuquina entre el Cenomaniano …
eólico y lacustre somero, desarrollado en la Cuenca Neuquina entre el Cenomaniano …
[HTML][HTML] A review of dromaeosaurid systematics and paravian phylogeny
Coelurosauria is the most diverse clade of theropod dinosaurs. Much of this diversity is
present in Paraves—the clade of dinosaurs containing dromaeosaurids, troodontids, and …
present in Paraves—the clade of dinosaurs containing dromaeosaurids, troodontids, and …
A Jurassic avialan dinosaur from China resolves the early phylogenetic history of birds
The recent discovery of small paravian theropod dinosaurs with well-preserved feathers in
the Middle–Late Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of Liaoning Province (northeastern China) …
the Middle–Late Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of Liaoning Province (northeastern China) …