[Књига][B] Tomorrow's Silk Road: Assessing an EU-China Free Trade Agreement

J Pelkmans, J Francois - 2018 - books.google.com
This CEPS book comprises a first-ever economic and regulatory analysis of a possible Free
Trade Area (FTA) between China and the EU, whose design is supposed to be'deep and …

Agriculture, Food and the TTIP: Possibilities and pitfalls

TE Josling, S Tangermann - CEPS Special Report, 2014 - papers.ssrn.com
Progress in agriculture and food issues in the TTIP talks will largely be determined by the
level of ambition in the negotiations as a whole. If ambitions are modest, a low-level …

Трансатлантическое партнёрство и безопасность России

ЕА Звонова, АВ Кузнецов - США и Канада: экономика, политика …, 2016 - elibrary.ru
Авторы анализируют мотивы участия США в трансатлантической интеграции,
рассматривают потенциальные возможности и риски либерализации евро …

Transatlantik Ticaret Ve Yatirim Ortakliği: Ortaya Çikaran Etkenler, Kapsami, Etkileri Ve Güçlükleri

MS Akman - Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 2014 - dergipark.org.tr
Avrupa Birliği ile ABD arasındaki kapsamlı Transatlantik Ticaret ve Yatırım Ortaklığı-TTYO
müzakereleri 2013 yılında başlamış bulunmaktadır. İki tarafın iktisadi büyüklükleri ve dünya …

[PDF][PDF] The EU-Turkey Customs Union: Towards a Revision of the Legal and Institutional Framework?

I Karatas - University of Gent Faculty of Law,[online]. Accessed …, 2016 - libstore.ugent.be
The EU-Turkey Customs Union: Towards a Revision of the Legal and Institutional
Framework? LLM Paper by Ihsan Karatas Student num Page 1 1. 1 Faculty of Law …

[HTML][HTML] Gümrük Birliği sürecinde Türkiye'nin demir çelik ticareti performansı: 1996-2014

Y Bıyık - 2019 - polen.itu.edu.tr
Özet Türkiye'nin ticari serbestleşme sürecinde Avrupa Birliği ile iktisadi bütünleşmesi
oldukça belirleyici olmuştur. Karşılıklı iktisadi ve ticari ilişkilerin gelişiminde kritik öneme …

[PDF][PDF] Abdullah Emre Akel

A Ege - PANOECONOMICUS, 2019 - doiserbia.nb.rs
The aim of this article is to quantify the possible effects of a potential T-TIP between the US
and the EU on production and exports of Turkey's motor vehicles and parts sector. A partial …

Potential effects of the T-TIP on Turkey's motor vehicles and parts sector

AE Akel, A Ege - Panoeconomicus, 2019 - panoeconomicus.org
The aim of this article is to quantify the possible effects of a potential T-TIP between the US
and the EU on production and exports of Turkey's motor vehicles and parts sector. A partial …


ED ELLIOTT, J PELKMANS - Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? - nomos-elibrary.de
This chapter discusses the chemicals chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP), in particular the regulatory part. The flaw we see in US-EU chemical …


TIM JOSLING, S TANGERMANN - Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers?, 2015 - books.google.com
Agriculture is always a difficult area in trade negotiations. The US and the EU have butted
heads on the issue of market access and export subsidies for 50 years, as each tries to …