A three-body problem: The effects of foreign language anxiety, enjoyment, and boredom on academic achievement
This study is part of a growing wave of interest in foreign language (FL) learners' emotions,
their sources, and their effects. Previous studies have confirmed that there is a clear …
their sources, and their effects. Previous studies have confirmed that there is a clear …
Revisiting research on positive psychology in second and foreign language education: Trends and directions
A Derakhshan - Language Related Research, 2022 - lrr.modares.ac.ir
With the rise of positive psychology (PP) and its emphasis on the affordances of positive
emotions to second/foreign language teaching and learning, numerous studies have been …
emotions to second/foreign language teaching and learning, numerous studies have been …
A model of teachers' growth mindset, teaching enjoyment, work engagement, and teacher grit among EFL teachers
Because of the importance of positive emotions in second language (L2) acquisition,
researchers have undertaken studies to investigate L2 learners' emotions. Nevertheless, L2 …
researchers have undertaken studies to investigate L2 learners' emotions. Nevertheless, L2 …
Examining the relationship between perceived teacher support and students' academic engagement in foreign language learning: Enjoyment and boredom as …
Y Zhao, L Yang - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
As an important contextual factor influencing various aspects of students' learning, teacher
support has been widely explored in general education but largely overlooked in the English …
support has been widely explored in general education but largely overlooked in the English …
Modelling boredom in the EFL context: an investigation of the role of co** self-efficacy, mindfulness, and foreign language enjoyment
The aim of this study was to test a model of second language (L2) boredom based on co**
self-efficacy (CSE), foreign language enjoyment (FLE), and mindfulness among English as a …
self-efficacy (CSE), foreign language enjoyment (FLE), and mindfulness among English as a …
A longitudinal analysis of informal digital learning of English, willingness to communicate and foreign language boredom: A latent change score mediation model
The present research used a longitudinal framework to test a model of willingness to
communicate (L2WTC), informal digital learning of English (IDLE), and foreign language …
communicate (L2WTC), informal digital learning of English (IDLE), and foreign language …
Exploring the relations among foreign language enjoyment, ideal L2 self, grit, and growth mindset in EFL learners: A cross-lagged analysis
This study leverages positive psychology (PP) to explore the reciprocal relationships among
foreign language enjoyment (FLE), ideal L2 self, and grit in English major learners of …
foreign language enjoyment (FLE), ideal L2 self, and grit in English major learners of …
[HTML][HTML] How motivation and enjoyment spread their wings during English Foreign Language learning: A pseudo-longitudinal investigation into Moroccan learners
The current study uses a pseudo-longitudinal design to investigate the trajectory of three
lower-order dimensions of Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE): FLE Teacher, FLE Personal …
lower-order dimensions of Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE): FLE Teacher, FLE Personal …
L2 grit and foreign language enjoyment: Arguments in light of control-value theory and its methodological compatibility
Z Pan - Language Related Research, 2022 - lrr.modares.ac.ir
Positive emotions are regarded as vital constructs in L2 learning. With the advent of positive
psychology in SLA, the link between L2 grit and Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE), as an …
psychology in SLA, the link between L2 grit and Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE), as an …
The role of enjoyment and boredom in sha** English language achievement among ethnic minority learners
Progress in the field of positive psychology has stimulated an increasing body of work that
examines the role of various emotions and their influence on English learning attainment in …
examines the role of various emotions and their influence on English learning attainment in …