Consequences of chirality on the response of materials
SCJ Meskers - Materials Advances, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Chirality refers to the absence of a mirror image related symmetry in objects, materials and
molecules. As a consequence of the absence of these symmetry elements, chiral materials …
molecules. As a consequence of the absence of these symmetry elements, chiral materials …
Neutrino oscillations in the interaction picture
We study the mixing of different kind of fields (scalar in 0+ 1D, scalar in 3+ 1D, fermion in 3+
1D) treating the mixing term as an interaction. To this aim, we employ the usual perturbative …
1D) treating the mixing term as an interaction. To this aim, we employ the usual perturbative …
symmetric fermionic particle oscillations in even dimensional representations
L Chen, S Sarkar - Physical Review D, 2024 - APS
We describe a novel class of quantum mechanical particle oscillations in both relativistic and
nonrelativistic systems based on PT symmetry and T 2=-1 (relevant for fermions), where P is …
nonrelativistic systems based on PT symmetry and T 2=-1 (relevant for fermions), where P is …
[HTML][HTML] Parity violation and chiral oscillation of cosmological relic neutrinos
The conventional derivation of neutrino oscillation treats neutrino mass eigenstate as plane
wave with an overall evolution phase. Nevertheless, due to the intrinsic parity-violating …
wave with an overall evolution phase. Nevertheless, due to the intrinsic parity-violating …
Chiral and flavor oscillations in lepton-antineutrino spin correlations
We study the evolution of quantum correlations in a lepton-antineutrino pair, as produced in
weak interactions (eg pion decay). Assuming an inital state entangled in the spins of the two …
weak interactions (eg pion decay). Assuming an inital state entangled in the spins of the two …
Revival patterns for Dirac cat states in a constant magnetic field
Considering the parity symmetry related to the Dirac equation, the interplay between energy
localization and the temporal evolution of parity-defined quantum superpositions is …
localization and the temporal evolution of parity-defined quantum superpositions is …
Neutrino mass measurement with cosmic gravitational focusing
We thoroughly explore the cosmic gravitational focusing of cosmic neutrino fluid (CνF) by
dark matter (DM) halo using both general relativity for a point source of gravitational …
dark matter (DM) halo using both general relativity for a point source of gravitational …
[HTML][HTML] Majorana phase and matter effects in neutrino chiral oscillation
MW Li, ZL Huang, XG He - Physics Letters B, 2024 - Elsevier
Due to finite masses and mixing, for neutrinos propagation in space-time, there is a chiral
oscillation between left-and right-chiral neutrinos, besides the usual oscillation between …
oscillation between left-and right-chiral neutrinos, besides the usual oscillation between …
Chiral oscillations
The solutions of the Dirac equation are given in terms of bispinors, four-component objects
which include both spin and chirality as internal degrees of freedom. For massive particles …
which include both spin and chirality as internal degrees of freedom. For massive particles …
[HTML][HTML] Lepton-Antineutrino Entanglement and Chiral Oscillations
Dirac bispinors belong to an irreducible representation of the complete Lorentz group, which
includes parity as a symmetry yielding two intrinsic discrete degrees of freedom: chirality and …
includes parity as a symmetry yielding two intrinsic discrete degrees of freedom: chirality and …