Consequences of chirality on the response of materials

SCJ Meskers - Materials Advances, 2022‏ -
Chirality refers to the absence of a mirror image related symmetry in objects, materials and
molecules. As a consequence of the absence of these symmetry elements, chiral materials …

Neutrino oscillations in the interaction picture

M Blasone, F Giacosa, L Smaldone… - The European Physical …, 2023‏ - Springer
We study the mixing of different kind of fields (scalar in 0+ 1D, scalar in 3+ 1D, fermion in 3+
1D) treating the mixing term as an interaction. To this aim, we employ the usual perturbative …

symmetric fermionic particle oscillations in even dimensional representations

L Chen, S Sarkar - Physical Review D, 2024‏ - APS
We describe a novel class of quantum mechanical particle oscillations in both relativistic and
nonrelativistic systems based on PT symmetry and T 2=-1 (relevant for fermions), where P is …

[HTML][HTML] Parity violation and chiral oscillation of cosmological relic neutrinos

SF Ge, P Pasquini - Physics Letters B, 2020‏ - Elsevier
The conventional derivation of neutrino oscillation treats neutrino mass eigenstate as plane
wave with an overall evolution phase. Nevertheless, due to the intrinsic parity-violating …

Chiral and flavor oscillations in lepton-antineutrino spin correlations

V Bittencourt, M Blasone… - Journal of Physics …, 2023‏ -
We study the evolution of quantum correlations in a lepton-antineutrino pair, as produced in
weak interactions (eg pion decay). Assuming an inital state entangled in the spins of the two …

Revival patterns for Dirac cat states in a constant magnetic field

C Fernando e Silva, AE Bernardini - Physical Review A, 2023‏ - APS
Considering the parity symmetry related to the Dirac equation, the interplay between energy
localization and the temporal evolution of parity-defined quantum superpositions is …

Neutrino mass measurement with cosmic gravitational focusing

SF Ge, P Pasquini, L Tan - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2024‏ -
We thoroughly explore the cosmic gravitational focusing of cosmic neutrino fluid (CνF) by
dark matter (DM) halo using both general relativity for a point source of gravitational …

[HTML][HTML] Majorana phase and matter effects in neutrino chiral oscillation

MW Li, ZL Huang, XG He - Physics Letters B, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Due to finite masses and mixing, for neutrinos propagation in space-time, there is a chiral
oscillation between left-and right-chiral neutrinos, besides the usual oscillation between …

Chiral oscillations

V Bittencourt, AE Bernardini, M Blasone - Europhysics Letters, 2022‏ -
The solutions of the Dirac equation are given in terms of bispinors, four-component objects
which include both spin and chirality as internal degrees of freedom. For massive particles …

[HTML][HTML] Lepton-Antineutrino Entanglement and Chiral Oscillations

VASV Bittencourt, AE Bernardini, M Blasone - Universe, 2021‏ -
Dirac bispinors belong to an irreducible representation of the complete Lorentz group, which
includes parity as a symmetry yielding two intrinsic discrete degrees of freedom: chirality and …