Exploring how Ethiopian women students perceive a sense of belonging in engineering higher education
In this study, we explored four undergraduate engineering women students' sense of
belonging to their engineering major, engineering college, and university in Ethiopia …
belonging to their engineering major, engineering college, and university in Ethiopia …
Beyond survey measures: Exploring international male graduate students' sense of belonging in electrical engineering
Purpose Although a student's sense of belonging is a key factor of persistence in higher
education, research on international students' belonging tends to rely on domain-agnostic …
education, research on international students' belonging tends to rely on domain-agnostic …
Enhancing the Equity and Inclusivity of Engineering Education for Diverse Learners through an Innovative Instructional Design, Delivery, and Evaluation: International …
JB Halkiyo - 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2022 - peer.asee.org
Abstract In the United States, 64.9% of all engineering master's and 59.0% of all engineering
doctoral degrees are awarded to international students [1]. These international students …
doctoral degrees are awarded to international students [1]. These international students …
Impact of a Voluntary Extracurricular Research Program on Engineering Students' Sense of Belonging: An Exploratory Case Study
In order to find ways to increase motivation and engagement in civil engineering students,
and provide students with a space to develop sense of belonging and engage with their …
and provide students with a space to develop sense of belonging and engage with their …
[HTML][HTML] “At the Bottom of the Food Chain”: Constructing Academic Identity in Engineering Education as International Graduate Students
For the US, attracting and recruiting talents, especially international students, benefits the
personal growth of the students themselves and the nation to keep up the excellence and …
personal growth of the students themselves and the nation to keep up the excellence and …
Re-thinking Engineering Doctoral Students' Sense of Belonging: In Consideration of Diversity in Citizenship and Interpersonal Interactions
E Lee - 2020 - search.proquest.com
A defining feature of many United States (US) doctoral engineering programs is their large
proportion of international students. Despite the large student body and the significant …
proportion of international students. Despite the large student body and the significant …
Meanings International Doctoral Students Ascribe to Completing a Doctoral Program in the United States
AA Hussein - 2024 - search.proquest.com
This descriptive phenomenological study explored the meanings international doctoral
students, currently enrolled or recently graduated from ground-based or online programs in …
students, currently enrolled or recently graduated from ground-based or online programs in …
Send Me a Screenshot, Send Me a Hug
N Thibault - Autoethnographies of Border-Crossing and In …, 2024 - brill.com
Pursuing a doctoral degree can be a lonely venture, especially through an online program.
The need to connect with classmates can be strong, especially when studying remotely, as …
The need to connect with classmates can be strong, especially when studying remotely, as …