Enhancement Techniques in Microstrip Patch Antenna-A Brief Review

ML Liya, VM Jayakrishnan - 2022 3rd International Conference …, 2022‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Microstrip antenna commonly referred to as antennas fabricated using photolithographic
process. There applications are in microwave frequencies. Fast growing communication …

Bandwidth improvement in microstrip patch antenna

U Keskin, B Döken, M Kartal - 2017 8th International …, 2017‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The microstrip antenna (MSA) is one of the most widely used microwave antennas
possessing several advantages. However, it presents a low impedance bandwidth, low gain …

[PDF][PDF] Microstrip patch antenna: A survey

S Srivastava, A Khandelwal, S Sharma - IOSR J. Electr. Electron. Eng, 2014‏ - academia.edu
The sizes and weight of various wireless electronic system have rapidly reduced due to the
development of modern integrated circuit technology. A Microstrip antenna (MSA) is well …

Impact of Basic Communication Modules and Techniques in Humanitarian Crisis-A Brief Survey

ML Liya, M Aswathy - 2024 International Conference on …, 2024‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Effective Communication faces numerous challenges during a humanitarian crisis, primarily
Most of the natural disasters are displacing homes and shelter for many communities. The …

[PDF][PDF] Comparative analyses of enhancing bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas: a survey and an idea

A Patil, B Suryakant - International Journal of Research in Engineering …, 2014‏ - Citeseer
Abstract Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) is generally used in modern communication
devices, and a large part of day-to-day communication is done through it. Study of literature …

[PDF][PDF] Review and Survey of Broadband Microstrip Patch Antennas

A Singh, SC Gupta - International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012‏ - Citeseer
ABSTRACT Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) is generally used in modern communication
devices, and a large part of day-to-day communication is done through it. Study of literature …

Parametric study for E-shaped microstrip patch antenna

HY Kim, W Ismail, LY Soon, HY Kim - Malaysian Journal of …, 2016‏ - adum.um.edu.my
In the event of publication of the manuscript entitled [INSERT MANUSCRIPT TITLE AND
REF NO.] in the Malaysian Journal of Science, I hereby transfer copyrights of the manuscript …

[PDF][PDF] Design and Development of an I-Shaped Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications

A Manikandan, RD Priyadharshini, M Ramya…‏ - edlib.net
The recent shoot up in wireless applications in the last decennium has led to a raise in
serried, high gain microstrip antennas. The intention of this paper is to design a serried I …

A Survey on Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Split Ring Resonators for Wireless Applications

SK Singh, RK Prasad - i-Manager's Journal on Wireless …, 2015‏ - search.proquest.com
This paper provides details on how to enhance antenna performance and size reduction
using Split Ring Resonator (SRR). The size and weight of various wireless electronic …

[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS) www. iasir. net

M Kumar, VK Katiyar - 2013‏ - academia.edu
This paper presents the study of fluid flow and heat transfer in a plain rectangular duct of a
solar air heater by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The effect of Reynolds …