Harnessing ecological theory to enhance ecosystem restoration
Ecosystem restoration can increase the health and resilience of nature and humanity. As a
result, the international community is championing habitat restoration as a primary solution …
result, the international community is championing habitat restoration as a primary solution …
Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts
Restoration of degraded drylands is urgently needed to mitigate climate change, reverse
desertification and secure livelihoods for the two billion people who live in these areas. Bold …
desertification and secure livelihoods for the two billion people who live in these areas. Bold …
Restoration islands: a tool for efficiently restoring dryland ecosystems?
Restoration islands are concentrated plantings in strategic locations, created to efficiently
use resources to achieve restoration goals. These methods have been used effectively in …
use resources to achieve restoration goals. These methods have been used effectively in …
Historical contingency in species interactions: towards niche‐based predictions
The way species affect one another in ecological communities often depends on the order of
species arrival. The magnitude of such historical contingency, known as priority effects …
species arrival. The magnitude of such historical contingency, known as priority effects …
Using priority effects to manipulate competitive relationships in restoration
Restoration success is often hampered by the failure of less dominant competitors to
establish. An emerging literature on priority effects suggests the manipulation of community …
establish. An emerging literature on priority effects suggests the manipulation of community …
Do subordinate species punch above their weight? Evidence from above-and below-ground
Variation in the relative abundance of species is a ubiquitous feature of ecological
communities. Understanding the link between the relative abundance of a species and its …
communities. Understanding the link between the relative abundance of a species and its …
Herbivory and drought interact to enhance spatial patterning and diversity in a savanna understory
The combination of abiotic stress and consumer stress can have complex impacts on plant
community structure. Effective conservation and management of semi-arid ecosystems …
community structure. Effective conservation and management of semi-arid ecosystems …
Short‐term priority over exotic annuals increases the initial density and longer‐term cover of native perennial grasses
Temporal priority can affect individual performance and reproduction, as well as community
assembly, but whether these effects persist over time remains unclear, and their …
assembly, but whether these effects persist over time remains unclear, and their …
Initial success of native grasses is contingent on multiple interactions among exotic grass competition, temporal priority, rainfall and site effects
Ecological communities are increasingly being recognized as the products of contemporary
drivers and historical legacies that are both biotic and abiotic. In an attempt to unravel …
drivers and historical legacies that are both biotic and abiotic. In an attempt to unravel …
Environmental heterogeneity has a weak effect on diversity during community assembly in tallgrass prairie
Understanding what constrains the persistence of species in communities is at the heart of
community assembly theory and its application to conserving and enhancing biodiversity …
community assembly theory and its application to conserving and enhancing biodiversity …