[PDF][PDF] Review on flow controls for vehicles aerodynamic drag reduction

RDR Mariaprakasam, S Mat, PM Samin… - J. Adv. Res. Fluid …, 2023 - eprints.utm.my
Reducing aerodynamic drag in automobiles has been one of the focuses in automotive
industry as it will increase vehicles performance and reduce power consumption which …

[HTML][HTML] A critical review of supersonic flow control for high-speed applications

A Aabid, SA Khan, M Baig - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
In high-speed fluid dynamics, base pressure controls find many engineering applications,
such as in the automobile and defense industries. Several studies have been reported on …

CFD analysis of compressible flows in a convergent-divergent nozzle

SA Khan, OM Ibrahim, A Aabid - Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021 - Elsevier
A Nozzle is a mechanical device that uses pressure energy and fluid enthalpy to increase
the outflow velocity and control fluid flow direction. To obtain the nozzle duct's shock pattern …

Analysis of parameters affecting thrust and base pressure in suddenly expanded flow from nozzle

KA Pathan, S Ashfaq, PS Dabeer, SA Khan - 2019 - lrc.acharyainstitutes.in
In the case of flow from the nozzle, the net thrust is the vital and critical consideration. The
net thrust force is the difference of the thrust developed by the jet from the nozzle and the …

Comparing the effect of different turbulence models on the CFD predictions of NACA0018 airfoil aerodynamics

SA Khan, M Bashir, MAA Baig, FAGM Ali - CFD Letters, 2020 - akademiabaru.com
The analysis of aerodynamic forces on two-dimensional airfoils and flow phenomena
associated with different Reynolds number has been widely investigated for aerospace …

An investigation of effect of control jets location and blowing pressure ratio to control base pressure in suddenly expanded flows

K Pathan, P Dabeer, S Khan - Journal of Thermal Engineering, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
The drag force is an essential factor in any projectile, from road vehicles to rocket or aircraft.
The total drag includes skin friction drag, wave drag, and base drag. The base drag is the …

An investigation of three-way catalytic converter for various inlet cone angles using CFD

SK Shaikh, KA Pathan, ZI Chaudhary… - CFD Letters, 2020 - akademiabaru.com
Three-way catalytic converters are utilized to minimize exhaust emissions. The efficient
working of catalytic converter depends upon the flow field developed inside the converter …

[PDF][PDF] Passive control of base pressure in a converging-diverging nozzle with area ratio 2.56 at Mach 1.8

NHM Zuraidi, SA Khan, A Aabid, M Baig… - Fluid Dynamics & …, 2023 - researchgate.net
In this study, a duct is considered and special attention is paid to a passive method for the
control of the base pressure relying on the use of a cavity with a variable aspect ratio. The …

CFD analysis of splitter plate on bluff body

A Aabid, A Afifi, FAGM Ali, MN Akhtar, SA Khan - CFD Letters, 2019 - akademiabaru.com
The blunt base either in the front or at the rear portion of the vehicles is prevalent and is
found in railways where the front and rear portions the coaches are blunt, which results in …