Acoustic-elastic metamaterials and phononic crystals for energy harvesting: A review
Metamaterials and phononic crystals (PCs) with artificially designed periodic microstructures
have attracted increasing research interests due to their unique properties that cannot be …
have attracted increasing research interests due to their unique properties that cannot be …
An inertial rotary energy harvester for vibrations at ultra-low frequency with high energy conversion efficiency
In this work, we have designed, characterized, and optimized an inertial-based rotational
vibration energy harvester device which can effectively harvest energy from vibrations at …
vibration energy harvester device which can effectively harvest energy from vibrations at …
Enhancement of low-speed piezoelectric wind energy harvesting by bluff body shapes: Spindle-like and butterfly-like cross-sections
Fluid-structure interaction can be utilized to harvest the low-speed wind energy for
sustaining the low-power sensors for structural health monitoring. To enhance the low …
sustaining the low-power sensors for structural health monitoring. To enhance the low …
Harvest wind energy from a vibro-impact DEG embedded into a bluff body
A novel wind energy harvester is proposed and studied in this paper. The system contains a
vibro-impact (VI) dielectric elastomer generator (DEG) that can convert vibrational energy …
vibro-impact (VI) dielectric elastomer generator (DEG) that can convert vibrational energy …
A goblet-like non-linear electromagnetic generator for planar multi-directional vibration energy harvesting
A novel electromagnetic energy harvester for in-plane multi-directional vibrations is
developed by letting a magnetic ball move on a two-dimensional surface which is generated …
developed by letting a magnetic ball move on a two-dimensional surface which is generated …
Dynamics of the double-beam piezo–magneto–elastic nonlinear wind energy harvester exhibiting gallo**-based vibration
This paper investigates a dynamic model and behavior of a novel double-beam piezo–
magneto–elastic nonlinear wind energy harvester (DBPME-WEH). The DBPME-WEH is a …
magneto–elastic nonlinear wind energy harvester (DBPME-WEH). The DBPME-WEH is a …
Equivalent circuit representation of a vortex‐induced vibration‐based energy harvester using a semi‐empirical lumped parameter approach
Small‐scale wind energy harvesting from vortex‐induced vibrations (VIV) has been
introduced in recent years as a renewable power source for microelectronics and wireless …
introduced in recent years as a renewable power source for microelectronics and wireless …
Achieve frequency-self-tracking energy harvesting using a passively adaptive cantilever beam
The frequency of the vibration in the ambient environment varies frequently, which imposes
a great challenge for robust energy harvesting. To maintain the high performance of …
a great challenge for robust energy harvesting. To maintain the high performance of …
Energy harvesting from a novel contact-type dielectric elastomer generator
A novel contact-type (CT) dielectric elastomer generator (DEG), which can harvest energy
from two dielectric elastomer membranes (DEMs) under a regular contact-type displacement …
from two dielectric elastomer membranes (DEMs) under a regular contact-type displacement …
[HTML][HTML] Energy harvesting techniques for wireless sensor networks: A systematic literature review
Energy harvesting has emerged as a promising avenue for addressing the constraints
imposed by battery lifespan in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), paving the way for more …
imposed by battery lifespan in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), paving the way for more …