Assessment of the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems based on data from field experiments and long-term monitored field gradients in …
Climate change is increasing temperatures globally and drought in many regions. If climate
change continues at its current rate, the resilience of many ecosystems will likely be …
change continues at its current rate, the resilience of many ecosystems will likely be …
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long‐term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale
Abstract Models are pivotal for assessing future forest dynamics under the impacts of
changing climate and management practices, incorporating representations of tree growth …
changing climate and management practices, incorporating representations of tree growth …
Gains or Losses in Forest Productivity under Climate Change? The Uncertainty of CO2 Fertilization and Climate Effects
Global warming poses great challenges for forest managers regarding adaptation strategies
and species choices. More frequent drought events and heat spells are expected to reduce …
and species choices. More frequent drought events and heat spells are expected to reduce …
Global warming likely to enhance black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) growth in a Mediterranean riparian forest
Mediterranean riparian forests are comparably humid environments that provide shelter for
several broadleaved deciduous tree species at their southernmost distribution margin. The …
several broadleaved deciduous tree species at their southernmost distribution margin. The …
Aiming at a moving target: economic evaluation of adaptation strategies under the uncertainty of climate change and CO2 fertilization of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) …
Key message Drought severely worsened till 2100 and eventually outplayed growth-
enhancing CO2 fertilization turning productivity gains into losses for beech and fir. Most …
enhancing CO2 fertilization turning productivity gains into losses for beech and fir. Most …
[HTML][HTML] A decision support tool for assessing the impact of climate change on multiple ecosystem services
In the climate change era, forest managers are challenged to use innovative tools to
encourage a sustained provision of goods and services. Many decision support tools …
encourage a sustained provision of goods and services. Many decision support tools …
Increasing aridity will not offset CO2 fertilization in fast‐growing eucalypts with access to deep soil water
Abstract Rising atmospheric [CO2](Ca) generally enhances tree growth if nutrients are not
limiting. However, reduced water availability and elevated evaporative demand may offset …
limiting. However, reduced water availability and elevated evaporative demand may offset …
[HTML][HTML] A forest model intercomparison framework and application at two temperate forests along the East Coast of the United States
A Erickson, N Strigul - Forests, 2019 - mdpi.com
State-of-the-art forest models are often complex, analytically intractable, and computationally
expensive, due to the explicit representation of detailed biogeochemical and ecological …
expensive, due to the explicit representation of detailed biogeochemical and ecological …
Predicting Drought-Induced Tree Mortality in Swiss Beech Forests Hinges Upon Predisposing and Inciting Factors
G Marano, H Ulrike, K Meusburger, TO Hands… - Available at SSRN … - papers.ssrn.com
The increase in the frequency and severity of drought-induced tree mortality in many
European low-elevation forests poses considerable challenges to forest management and …
European low-elevation forests poses considerable challenges to forest management and …
[HTML][HTML] Spatially Explicit Modeling of Coupled Water and Carbon Processes Using a Distributed Ecohydrological Model in the Upper Heihe Watershed, China
A fully coupled simulation of ecophysiological, hydrological and biochemical processes is
significant for better understanding the individual and interactional impact of sophisticated …
significant for better understanding the individual and interactional impact of sophisticated …