Carryover effects from environmental change in early life: An overlooked driver of the amphibian extinction crisis?
Ecological carryover effects, or delayed effects of the environment on an organism's
phenotype, are central predictors of individual fitness and a key issue in conservation …
phenotype, are central predictors of individual fitness and a key issue in conservation …
Physiology, behavior, and conservation
Many animal populations are in decline as a result of human activity. Conservation
practitioners are attempting to prevent further declines and loss of biodiversity as well as to …
practitioners are attempting to prevent further declines and loss of biodiversity as well as to …
Sublethal consequences of ultraviolet radiation exposure on vertebrates: Synthesis through meta‐analysis
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun is a natural daytime stressor for vertebrates in both
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. UVR effects on the physiology of vertebrates manifest at …
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. UVR effects on the physiology of vertebrates manifest at …
Drivers of amphibian declines: effects of ultraviolet radiation and interactions with other environmental factors
As a consequence of anthropogenic environmental change, the world is facing a possible
sixth mass extinction event. The severity of this biodiversity crisis is exemplified by the rapid …
sixth mass extinction event. The severity of this biodiversity crisis is exemplified by the rapid …
Behavioural ecology meets oncology: quantifying the recovery of animal behaviour to a transient exposure to a cancer risk factor
H Klaassen, S Tissot, J Meliani… - … of the Royal …, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Wildlife is increasingly exposed to sublethal transient cancer risk factors, including
mutagenic substances, which activates their anti-cancer defences, promotes …
mutagenic substances, which activates their anti-cancer defences, promotes …
Chronic exposure to a pervasive pharmaceutical pollutant erodes among-individual phenotypic variation in a fish
Pharmaceutical pollution is now recognised as a major emerging agent of global change.
Increasingly, pharmaceutical pollutants are documented to disrupt ecologically important …
Increasingly, pharmaceutical pollutants are documented to disrupt ecologically important …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of solar UV radiation on amphibians: focus on genotoxic stress
Solar UV radiation is one of the most important environmental genotoxic factors. Its
incidence increased due to stratospheric ozone depletion, climate changes, and …
incidence increased due to stratospheric ozone depletion, climate changes, and …
Why does offspring size affect performance? Integrating metabolic scaling with life-history theory
Within species, larger offspring typically outperform smaller offspring. While the relationship
between offspring size and performance is ubiquitous, the cause of this relationship remains …
between offspring size and performance is ubiquitous, the cause of this relationship remains …
Limited contribution of photoenzymatic DNA repair in mitigating carry-over effects from larval UVB exposure: Implications for frog recruitment
Solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation has increased due to stratospheric ozone depletion,
climate and ecosystem changes and is a driver of amphibian population declines …
climate and ecosystem changes and is a driver of amphibian population declines …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring the link between ultraviolet B radiation and immune function in amphibians: implications for emerging infectious diseases
Amphibian populations the world over are under threat of extinction, with as many as 40% of
assessed species listed as threatened under IUCN Red List criteria (a significantly higher …
assessed species listed as threatened under IUCN Red List criteria (a significantly higher …