Controlling gene expression in response to stress
Acute stress puts cells at risk, and rapid adaptation is crucial for maximizing cell survival.
Cellular adaptation mechanisms include modification of certain aspects of cell physiology …
Cellular adaptation mechanisms include modification of certain aspects of cell physiology …
The HOG pathway and the regulation of osmoadaptive responses in yeast
Cells coordinate intracellular activities in response to changes in the extracellular
environment to maximize their probability of survival and proliferation. Eukaryotic cells need …
environment to maximize their probability of survival and proliferation. Eukaryotic cells need …
Structured nucleosome fingerprints enable high-resolution map** of chromatin architecture within regulatory regions
Transcription factors canonically bind nucleosome-free DNA, making the positioning of
nucleosomes within regulatory regions crucial to the regulation of gene expression. Using …
nucleosomes within regulatory regions crucial to the regulation of gene expression. Using …
MAP kinase signalling cascades and transcriptional regulation
The MAP kinase (MAPK) signalling pathways play fundamental roles in a wide range of
cellular processes and are often deregulated in disease states. One major mode of action for …
cellular processes and are often deregulated in disease states. One major mode of action for …
Response to hyperosmotic stress
H Saito, F Posas - Genetics, 2012 - academic.oup.com
An appropriate response and adaptation to hyperosmolarity, ie., an external osmolarity that
is higher than the physiological range, can be a matter of life or death for all cells. It is …
is higher than the physiological range, can be a matter of life or death for all cells. It is …
The Cryptococcus neoformans capsule: a sword and a shield
The human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans is characterized by its ability to
induce a distinct polysaccharide capsule in response to a number of host-specific …
induce a distinct polysaccharide capsule in response to a number of host-specific …
Chromatin and transcription in yeast
Understanding the mechanisms by which chromatin structure controls eukaryotic
transcription has been an intense area of investigation for the past 25 years. Many of the key …
transcription has been an intense area of investigation for the past 25 years. Many of the key …
Inducible gene expression: diverse regulatory mechanisms
The rapid activation of gene expression in response to stimuli occurs largely through the
regulation of RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription. In this Review, we discuss events …
regulation of RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription. In this Review, we discuss events …
Hog1: 20 years of discovery and impact
JL Brewster, MC Gustin - Science signaling, 2014 - science.org
The protein kinase Hog1 (high osmolarity glycerol 1) was discovered 20 years ago, being
revealed as a central signaling mediator during osmoregulation in the budding yeast …
revealed as a central signaling mediator during osmoregulation in the budding yeast …
Severe osmotic compression triggers a slowdown of intracellular signaling, which can be explained by molecular crowding
Regulation of the cellular volume is fundamental for cell survival and function. Deviations
from equilibrium trigger dedicated signaling and transcriptional responses that mediate …
from equilibrium trigger dedicated signaling and transcriptional responses that mediate …