Void nucleation during ductile rupture of metals: A review
Ductile rupture in metals is a phenomenon that affects a wide range of applications from
forming of automotive body panels to failure of pressure vessels. The incipient stage …
forming of automotive body panels to failure of pressure vessels. The incipient stage …
[HTML][HTML] Fibre-metal laminate structures: high-velocity impact, penetration, and blast loading–a review
Recent advances in the automated manufacture of composite structures have renewed the
interest in fibre metal laminates (FMLs) in various engineering sectors. FML structures …
interest in fibre metal laminates (FMLs) in various engineering sectors. FML structures …
[SÁCH][B] Microcomputed tomography: methodology and applications
SR Stock - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
MicroComputed Tomography has become the gold standard for studying 3D microscopic
structures nondestructively, and this book provides up-to-date coverage of the modality. The …
structures nondestructively, and this book provides up-to-date coverage of the modality. The …
Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials
SR Stock - International materials reviews, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
This review highlights recent advances in X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT) as
applied to materials, specifically advances made since the first materials microCT review …
applied to materials, specifically advances made since the first materials microCT review …
X-ray computed microtomography of internal damage in fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites
PJ Schilling, BPR Karedla, AK Tatiparthi… - Composites science and …, 2005 - Elsevier
The recent appearance of several commercial systems makes X-ray microtomography
(micro-CT) more accessible for laboratory testing. The current study was undertaken to …
(micro-CT) more accessible for laboratory testing. The current study was undertaken to …
impact resistance and damage tolerance of 3D woven composites
The escalating use of fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) in aerospace, defense,
automotive, and renewable energy industries underscores the need for a comprehensive …
automotive, and renewable energy industries underscores the need for a comprehensive …
On the competition between particle fracture and particle decohesion in metal matrix composites
A simple model for describing the competition between interface decohesion and particle
cracking as the elementary damage nucleation mechanisms in heterogeneous materials is …
cracking as the elementary damage nucleation mechanisms in heterogeneous materials is …
Experimental investigation of void coalescence in metallic sheets containing laser drilled holes
Although important, ductility remains difficult to predict and there is a tremendous need for
more precise modelling. Progress in this field is hampered by a lack of quantitative …
more precise modelling. Progress in this field is hampered by a lack of quantitative …
Visualization by X-ray tomography of void growth and coalescence leading to fracture in model materials
The literature contains many models for the process of void nucleation, growth and
coalescence leading to ductile fracture. However, these models lack in-depth experimental …
coalescence leading to ductile fracture. However, these models lack in-depth experimental …
Numerical and experimental investigation of cap** mechanisms during pharmaceutical tablet compaction
Cap** is a common problem in the pharmaceutical tabletting process in which
catastrophic failure of the powder compact can occur. It is of great interest to the …
catastrophic failure of the powder compact can occur. It is of great interest to the …