The global lightning-induced nitrogen oxides source

U Schumann, H Huntrieser - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007 -
The knowledge of the lightning-induced nitrogen oxides (LNO x) source is important for
understanding and predicting the nitrogen oxides and ozone distributions in the troposphere …

Lightning and climate: A review

ER Williams - Atmospheric research, 2005 - Elsevier
Research on regional and global lightning activity and the global electrical circuit is
summarized. This area of activity has greatly expanded through observations of lightning by …

High carrier mobility in single-crystal plasma-deposited diamond

J Isberg, J Hammersberg, E Johansson, T Wikstrom… - Science, 2002 -
Room-temperature drift mobilities of 4500 square centimeters per volt second for electrons
and 3800 square centimeters per volt second for holes have been measured in high-purity …

Where are the most intense thunderstorms on Earth?

EJ Zipser, DJ Cecil, C Liu, SW Nesbitt… - Bulletin of the …, 2006 -
The instruments on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite have been
observing storms as well as rainfall since December 1997. This paper shows the results of a …

Present-day atmospheric simulations using GISS ModelE: Comparison to in situ, satellite, and reanalysis data

GA Schmidt, R Ruedy, JE Hansen, I Aleinov… - Journal of …, 2006 -
A full description of the ModelE version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) and results are presented for present-day …

The vertical profile of radar reflectivity of convective cells: A strong indicator of storm intensity and lightning probability?

EJ Zipser, KR Lutz - Monthly Weather Review, 1994 -
Reflectivity data from Doppler radars are used to construct vertical profiles of radar
reflectivity (VPRR) of convective cells in mesoscale convective systems (MCSS) in three …

Stratiform rain in the tropics as seen by the TRMM precipitation radar

C Schumacher, RA Houze Jr - Journal of climate, 2003 -
Abstract Across the Tropics (20° N–20° S), the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)
Precipitation Radar (PR) indicates that for reflectivities≥ 17 dB Z, stratiform precipitation …

A census of precipitation features in the tropics using TRMM: Radar, ice scattering, and lightning observations

SW Nesbitt, EJ Zipser, DJ Cecil - Journal of climate, 2000 -
An algorithm has been developed to identify precipitation features (≥ 75 km 2 in size) in two
land and two ocean regions during August, September, and October 1998. It uses data from …

Contrasting convective regimes over the Amazon: Implications for cloud electrification

E Williams, D Rosenfeld, N Madden… - Journal of …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Four distinct meteorological regimes in the Amazon basin have been examined to
distinguish the contributions from boundary layer aerosol and convective available potential …

Organization of tropical convection in low vertical wind shears: The role of cold pools

AM Tompkins - Journal of the atmospheric sciences, 2001 -
An investigation is conducted to document the role convectively generated cold pools play in
determining the spatial organization of tropical deep convection. Using a high-resolution …