Application and characterization of metamodels based on artificial neural networks for building performance simulation: A systematic review
In most of the countries, buildings are often one of the major energy consumers, leading to
the necessity of achieving sustainable building designs, and to the mandatory use of …
the necessity of achieving sustainable building designs, and to the mandatory use of …
Review on building energy model calibration by Bayesian inference
A building energy model (BEM) is essential for understanding building energy consumption,
evaluating energy-saving measures, and develo** associated codes, standards, and …
evaluating energy-saving measures, and develo** associated codes, standards, and …
Life cycle sustainability assessment in building energy retrofitting; A review
This paper aims to review the publications in the field of Life Cycle Sustainability
Assessment (LCSA) of building energy retrofitting. The main focus is to demonstrate the …
Assessment (LCSA) of building energy retrofitting. The main focus is to demonstrate the …
[HTML][HTML] A machine learning-based surrogate model to approximate optimal building retrofit solutions
The building sector has the highest share of operational energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions among all sectors. Environmental targets set by many countries …
greenhouse gas emissions among all sectors. Environmental targets set by many countries …
[HTML][HTML] Interactive effects of hyperparameter optimization techniques and data characteristics on the performance of machine learning algorithms for building energy …
Metamodeling is a promising technique for alleviating the computational burden of building
energy simulation. Although various machine learning (ML) algorithms have been applied …
energy simulation. Although various machine learning (ML) algorithms have been applied …
Identifying practical sustainable retrofit measures for existing high-rise residential buildings in various climate zones through an integrated energy-cost model
Sustainable building retrofit can provide a great opportunity to reduce the energy
consumption of existing buildings to commensurate the climate policies and enhance the …
consumption of existing buildings to commensurate the climate policies and enhance the …
[HTML][HTML] A machine learning-based framework for cost-optimal building retrofit
The current process of analysing building retrofit strategies relies on physics-based, thermal
balance models. However, these models are oblivious to the significance of the input …
balance models. However, these models are oblivious to the significance of the input …
The valuation of buildings energy retrofitting: A multiple-criteria approach to reconcile cost-benefit trade-offs and energy savings
Abstract Directive 2018/844/EU promotes long-term renovation strategies to achieve the
2050 EU-wide energy and climate targets. As the building sector accounts for 40% of final …
2050 EU-wide energy and climate targets. As the building sector accounts for 40% of final …
Advances in Retrofitting Strategies for Energy Efficiency in Tropical Climates: A Systematic Review and Analysis
The global construction industry significantly contributes to energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating immediate action for sustainable development …
greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating immediate action for sustainable development …
Artificial Intelligence Based Methods for Retrofit Projects: A Review of Applications and Impacts
Abstract The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector faces severe
sustainability and efficiency challenges. In recent years, various initiatives have …
sustainability and efficiency challenges. In recent years, various initiatives have …