[HTML][HTML] Creativity self assessments in design education: a systematic review
In the context of design education, the integration of Creativity Self Assessments (CSAs) is
pivotal, offering a mechanism for reflective learning that facilitates the development and …
pivotal, offering a mechanism for reflective learning that facilitates the development and …
Generative AI enhances individual creativity but reduces the collective diversity of novel content
Creativity is core to being human. Generative artificial intelligence (AI)—including powerful
large language models (LLMs)—holds promise for humans to be more creative by offering …
large language models (LLMs)—holds promise for humans to be more creative by offering …
A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity
Curiosity and creativity are central pillars of human growth and invention. Although they
have been studied extensively in isolation, the relationship between them has not yet been …
have been studied extensively in isolation, the relationship between them has not yet been …
Generative artificial intelligence enhances creativity but reduces the diversity of novel content
Conceiving opposites together: Cultivating paradoxical frames and epistemic motivation fosters team creativity
To successfully generate creative solutions, teams must reconcile inconsistent perspectives
and integrate competing task demands. We suggest that adopting a paradoxical frame-a …
and integrate competing task demands. We suggest that adopting a paradoxical frame-a …
Understanding how people react to change: A domain of uncertainty approach
Change is ubiquitous in people's daily work and life experiences. While a sizable body of
research has examined individuals' reactions to change, different literatures have remained …
research has examined individuals' reactions to change, different literatures have remained …
[HTML][HTML] Revolution or inflated expectations? Exploring the impact of generative AI on ideation in a practical sustainability context
The integration of generative AI (GenAI) into corporate innovation processes represents a
significant shift in ideation methodologies. This study examines the comparative …
significant shift in ideation methodologies. This study examines the comparative …
[HTML][HTML] Redefining concepts to build theory: A repertoire for conceptual innovation
Defining and redefining theoretical concepts is an essential part of HRM research, but its
role in the theorizing process is still poorly understood. While concept redefinition practices …
role in the theorizing process is still poorly understood. While concept redefinition practices …