The sleep-deprived human brain
How does a lack of sleep affect our brains? In contrast to the benefits of sleep, frameworks
exploring the impact of sleep loss are relatively lacking. Importantly, the effects of sleep …
exploring the impact of sleep loss are relatively lacking. Importantly, the effects of sleep …
Functional connectomics in depression: insights into therapies
Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by heterogeneous cognitive and
behavioral symptoms. The emerging research paradigm of functional connectomics has …
behavioral symptoms. The emerging research paradigm of functional connectomics has …
Sleep loss and the socio-emotional brain
Are you feeling emotionally fragile, moody, unpredictable, even ungenerous to those around
you? Here, we review how and why these phenomena can occur as a result of insufficient …
you? Here, we review how and why these phenomena can occur as a result of insufficient …
Resting state brain network function in major depression–depression symptomatology, antidepressant treatment effects, future research
J Brakowski, S Spinelli, N Dörig, OG Bosch… - Journal of psychiatric …, 2017 - Elsevier
The alterations of functional connectivity brain networks in major depressive disorder (MDD)
have been subject of a large number of studies. Using different methodologies and focusing …
have been subject of a large number of studies. Using different methodologies and focusing …
Dynamic functional connectivity of the default mode network tracks daydreaming
Humans spend much of their time engaged in stimulus-independent thoughts, colloquially
known as “daydreaming” or “mind-wandering.” A fundamental question concerns how …
known as “daydreaming” or “mind-wandering.” A fundamental question concerns how …
Functional connectivity during rested wakefulness predicts vulnerability to sleep deprivation
Significant inter-individual differences in vigilance decline following sleep deprivation exist.
We characterized functional connectivity in 68 healthy young adult participants in rested …
We characterized functional connectivity in 68 healthy young adult participants in rested …
Enhanced amygdala–cingulate connectivity associates with better mood in both healthy and depressive individuals after sleep deprivation
Sleep loss robustly disrupts mood and emotion regulation in healthy individuals but can
have a transient antidepressant effect in a subset of patients with depression. The neural …
have a transient antidepressant effect in a subset of patients with depression. The neural …
The brain functional connectome is robustly altered by lack of sleep
Sleep is a universal phenomenon necessary for maintaining homeostasis and function
across a range of organs. Lack of sleep has severe health-related consequences affecting …
across a range of organs. Lack of sleep has severe health-related consequences affecting …
Two nights of recovery sleep restores hippocampal connectivity but not episodic memory after total sleep deprivation
Sleep deprivation significantly impairs a range of cognitive and brain function, particularly
episodic memory and the underlying hippocampal function. However, it remains …
episodic memory and the underlying hippocampal function. However, it remains …
The effects of repeated transcranial direct current stimulation on sleep quality and depression symptoms in patients with major depression and insomnia
Q Zhou, C Yu, H Yu, Y Zhang, Z Liu, Z Hu, TF Yuan… - Sleep medicine, 2020 - Elsevier
Importance Although several strategies using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
have been investigated to treat major depressive disorder (MDD), the efficacy of this …
have been investigated to treat major depressive disorder (MDD), the efficacy of this …