The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: overview of 14 years in space
PF Levelt, J Joiner, J Tamminen… - Atmospheric …, 2018 - acp.copernicus.org
This overview paper highlights the successes of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on
board the Aura satellite spanning a period of nearly 14 years. Data from OMI has been used …
board the Aura satellite spanning a period of nearly 14 years. Data from OMI has been used …
Tropospheric emissions: Monitoring of pollution (TEMPO)
TEMPO was selected in 2012 by NASA as the first Earth Venture Instrument, for launch
between 2018 and 2021. It will measure atmospheric pollution for greater North America …
between 2018 and 2021. It will measure atmospheric pollution for greater North America …
Long-memory processes
Long-memory, or more generally fractal, processes are known to play an important role in
many scientific disciplines and applied fields such as physics, geophysics, hydrology …
many scientific disciplines and applied fields such as physics, geophysics, hydrology …
OMI/aura nitrogen dioxide standard product with improved surface and cloud treatments
We present a new and improved version (V4. 0) of the NASA standard nitrogen dioxide (NO
2) product from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite. This version …
2) product from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite. This version …
[HTML][HTML] Trends in global tropospheric ozone inferred from a composite record of TOMS/OMI/MLS/OMPS satellite measurements and the MERRA-2 GMI simulation
Past studies have suggested that ozone in the troposphere has increased globally
throughout much of the 20th century due to increases in anthropogenic emissions and …
throughout much of the 20th century due to increases in anthropogenic emissions and …
[HTML][HTML] The operational cloud retrieval algorithms from TROPOMI on board Sentinel-5 Precursor
DG Loyola, S Gimeno García, R Lutz… - Atmospheric …, 2018 - amt.copernicus.org
This paper presents the operational cloud retrieval algorithms for the TROPOspheric
Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the European Space Agency Sentinel-5 …
Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the European Space Agency Sentinel-5 …
Performance of the ozone map** and profiler suite (OMPS) products
L Flynn, C Long, X Wu, R Evans… - Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with the
National Aeronautical and Space Administration, launched the Suomi National Polar …
National Aeronautical and Space Administration, launched the Suomi National Polar …
In-flight performance of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
VM Schenkeveld, G Jaross, S Marchenko… - Atmospheric …, 2017 - amt.copernicus.org
The Dutch–Finnish Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is an imaging spectrograph flying on
NASA's EOS Aura satellite since 15 July 2004. OMI is primarily used to map trace-gas …
NASA's EOS Aura satellite since 15 July 2004. OMI is primarily used to map trace-gas …
Production of lightning NOx and its vertical distribution calculated from three‐dimensional cloud‐scale chemical transport model simulations
LE Ott, KE Pickering, GL Stenchikov… - Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
A three‐dimensional (3‐D) cloud‐scale chemical transport model that includes a
parameterized source of lightning NOx on the basis of observed flash rates has been used …
parameterized source of lightning NOx on the basis of observed flash rates has been used …
Recent changes in total column ozone based on the SBUV Version 8.6 Merged Ozone Data Set
Abstract The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) Merged Ozone Data Set (MOD) provides
the longest available satellite‐based time series of profile and total ozone from a single …
the longest available satellite‐based time series of profile and total ozone from a single …