Science and prediction of heavy rainfall over China: Research progress since the reform and opening-up of new China
This paper reviews the major progress on development of the science and prediction of
heavy rainfall over China since the beginning of the reform and opening-up of new China …
heavy rainfall over China since the beginning of the reform and opening-up of new China …
Characteristics, physical mechanisms, and prediction of pre-summer rainfall over South China: Research progress during 2008–2019
The pre-summer rainy season (April to mid-June) over South China (SC) is characterized by
a high intensity and frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall in the East Asian monsoon region …
a high intensity and frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall in the East Asian monsoon region …
On the key dynamical processes supporting the 21.7 Zhengzhou record-breaking hourly rainfall in China
An extremely heavy rainfall event occurred in Zhengzhou, China, on 20 July 2021 and
produced an hourly rainfall rate of 201.9 mm, which broke the station record for mainland …
produced an hourly rainfall rate of 201.9 mm, which broke the station record for mainland …
The southern China monsoon rainfall experiment (SCMREX)
During the presummer rainy season (April–June), southern China often experiences
frequent occurrences of extreme rainfall, leading to severe flooding and inundations. To …
frequent occurrences of extreme rainfall, leading to severe flooding and inundations. To …
On the extreme rainfall event of 7 May 2017 over the coastal city of Guangzhou. Part I: Impacts of urbanization and orography
In this study, a nocturnal extreme rainfall event induced by the urban heat island (UHI)
effects of the coastal city of Guangzhou in South China on 7 May 2017 is examined using …
effects of the coastal city of Guangzhou in South China on 7 May 2017 is examined using …
Initiation, maintenance, and properties of convection in an extreme rainfall event during SCMREX: Observational analysis
H Wang, Y Luo, BJD Jou - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A long‐lived mesoscale convective system (MCS) with extreme rainfall over the western
coastal region of Guangdong on 10 May 2013 during the Southern China Monsoon Rainfall …
coastal region of Guangdong on 10 May 2013 during the Southern China Monsoon Rainfall …
The diurnal cycle of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by the Met Office Unified Model at convection-permitting scales
A limited area convection permitting model (CPM) based on the Met Office Unified Model,
with a 0.04°(4.4 km) horizontal grid spacing, is used to simulate an entire warm-season of …
with a 0.04°(4.4 km) horizontal grid spacing, is used to simulate an entire warm-season of …
Spatial characteristics of extreme rainfall over China with hourly through 24-hour accumulation periods based on national-level hourly rain gauge data
Hourly rainfall measurements of 1919 national-level meteorological stations from 1981
through 2012 are used to document, for the first time, the climatology of extreme rainfall in …
through 2012 are used to document, for the first time, the climatology of extreme rainfall in …
Mesoscale observational analysis of lifting mechanism of a warm-sector convective system producing the maximal daily precipitation in China mainland during pre …
M Wu, Y Luo - Journal of Meteorological Research, 2016 - Springer
A long-lived, quasi-stationary mesoscale convective system (MCS) producing extreme
rainfall (maximum of 542 mm) over the eastern coastal area of Guangdong Province on 20 …
rainfall (maximum of 542 mm) over the eastern coastal area of Guangdong Province on 20 …
Diurnal variations of presummer rainfall over southern China
In this study, the presummer diurnal cycle of rainfall (DCR) over southern China is examined
using the merged 0.1°-resolution gridded hourly rain gauge and satellite rainfall dataset and …
using the merged 0.1°-resolution gridded hourly rain gauge and satellite rainfall dataset and …