[HTML][HTML] An evaluation of carbon indicators of soil health in long-term agricultural experiments
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is closely tied to soil health. However, additional biological
indicators may also provide insight about C dynamics and microbial activity. We used SOC …
indicators may also provide insight about C dynamics and microbial activity. We used SOC …
Nitrogen dynamics and indices to predict soil nitrogen supply in humid temperate soils
MS Luce, JK Whalen, N Ziadi, BJ Zebarth - Advances in agronomy, 2011 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge of the nitrogen (N) available to crops during the growing season is
essential for improving fertilizer-use efficiency and minimizing the adverse impacts of N …
essential for improving fertilizer-use efficiency and minimizing the adverse impacts of N …
A meta-analysis of global cropland soil carbon changes due to cover crop**
Including cover crops within agricultural rotations may increase soil organic carbon (SOC).
However, contradictory findings generated by on-site experiments make it necessary to …
However, contradictory findings generated by on-site experiments make it necessary to …
Current knowledge and future research directions to link soil health and water conservation in the Ogallala Aquifer region
Abstract The Ogallala Aquifer is one of the largest freshwater aquifers in the world. It acts as
a valuable resource in agriculture, animal production, and public water supplies across eight …
a valuable resource in agriculture, animal production, and public water supplies across eight …
Comparison of permanganate‐oxidizable carbon and mineralizable carbon for assessment of organic matter stabilization and mineralization
Core Ideas POXC and mineralizable C were evaluated across diverse agroecosystems. The
two are related but differentially influenced by management practices. POXC better reflected …
two are related but differentially influenced by management practices. POXC better reflected …
Reappraisal of drying and wetting effects on C and N mineralization and fluxes in soils
W Borken, E Matzner - Global change biology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
In the next decades, many soils will be subjected to increased drying/wetting cycles or
modified water availability considering predicted global changes in precipitation and …
modified water availability considering predicted global changes in precipitation and …
Soil organic matter stratification ratio as an indicator of soil quality
AJ Franzluebbers - Soil and Tillage Research, 2002 - Elsevier
Soil quality is a concept based on the premise that management can deteriorate, stabilize, or
improve soil ecosystem functions. It is hypothesized that the degree of stratification of soil …
improve soil ecosystem functions. It is hypothesized that the degree of stratification of soil …
Effects of drying–rewetting frequency on soil carbon and nitrogen transformations
Soil drying and rewetting impose a significant stress on the soil microbial community. While
wetting events are common in most environments, the short and long-term effects of soil …
wetting events are common in most environments, the short and long-term effects of soil …
[HTML][HTML] The soil health tool—Theory and initial broad-scale application
Soil health has traditionally been judged in terms of production; however, it recently has
gained a wider focus with a global audience, as soil condition is becoming an environmental …
gained a wider focus with a global audience, as soil condition is becoming an environmental …
A proposed mechanism for the pulse in carbon dioxide production commonly observed following the rapid rewetting of a dry soil
The rapid rewetting of a dry soil often yields a pulse in soil CO2 production that persists for 2
to 6 d. This phenomenon is a common occurrence in surface soils, yet the mechanism …
to 6 d. This phenomenon is a common occurrence in surface soils, yet the mechanism …