[HTML][HTML] Programming interactions in collective adaptive systems by relying on attribute-based communication
Collective adaptive systems are new emerging computational systems consisting of a large
number of interacting components and featuring complex behaviour. These systems are …
number of interacting components and featuring complex behaviour. These systems are …
Route choice in pedestrian simulation: Design and evaluation of a model based on empirical observations
Several issues in transferring AI results in crowd modeling and simulation are due to the fact
that control applications are aimed at achieving optimal solutions, whereas simulations have …
that control applications are aimed at achieving optimal solutions, whereas simulations have …
[HTML][HTML] Sensing and forecasting crowd distribution in smart cities: Potentials and approaches
The possibility of sensing and predicting the movements of crowds in modern cities is of
fundamental importance for improving urban planning, urban mobility, urban safety, and …
fundamental importance for improving urban planning, urban mobility, urban safety, and …
Consideration of tactical decisions in microscopic pedestrian simulation: Algorithm and experiments
B Yu - Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 2020 - Elsevier
In the paper, a routing algorithm of two sub-algorithms is proposed for consideration of
tactical decisions in a microscopic crowd simulation. One sub-algorithm works in the high or …
tactical decisions in a microscopic crowd simulation. One sub-algorithm works in the high or …
Improving pedestrians traffic priority via grou** and virtual lanes in shared spaces (short paper)
The shared space design is applied in urban streets to support barrier-free movement and
integrate traffic participants (such as pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles) into a common road …
integrate traffic participants (such as pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles) into a common road …
A cognitive-based routing algorithm for crowd dynamics under incomplete or even incorrect map knowledge
A cognitive-based routing algorithm is proposed. Concepts like local form and path
algorithms are developed. Unlike current mainstream routing algorithms assume that all …
algorithms are developed. Unlike current mainstream routing algorithms assume that all …
Improving Pedestrian Priority via Grou** and Virtual Lanes
The shared space design is applied in urban streets to support barrier-free movement and
integrate traffic participants (such as pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles) into a common road …
integrate traffic participants (such as pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles) into a common road …
Challenges of decentralized coordination in large-scale ubicomp systems
The peculiar features of emerging large-scale ubicomp systems require novel approaches to
coordinate their overall activities and functionalities in a decentralized way. In this position …
coordinate their overall activities and functionalities in a decentralized way. In this position …
Combining Avoidance and Imitation to Improve Multi-agent Pedestrian Simulation
Simulation of pedestrian and crowd dynamics is a consolidated application of agent-based
models but it still presents room for improvement. Wayfinding, for instance, is a fundamental …
models but it still presents room for improvement. Wayfinding, for instance, is a fundamental …
[PDF][PDF] Conflicting Tendencies in Pedestrian Wayfinding Decisions: a Multi-Agent Model Encompassing Proxemics and Imitation.
Computer-based simulation of pedestrian dynamics is a consolidated application of agent-
based models but it still presents open challenges. The wayfinding of pedestrians is a …
based models but it still presents open challenges. The wayfinding of pedestrians is a …