Can large language models reason about program invariants?
Identifying invariants is an important program analysis task with applications towards
program understanding, bug finding, vulnerability analysis, and formal verification. Existing …
program understanding, bug finding, vulnerability analysis, and formal verification. Existing …
Probabilistic model for code with decision trees
In this paper we introduce a new approach for learning precise and general probabilistic
models of code based on decision tree learning. Our approach directly benefits an emerging …
models of code based on decision tree learning. Our approach directly benefits an emerging …
Machine learning techniques in river water quality modelling: a research travelogue
Water is a prime necessity for the survival and sustenance of all living beings. Over the past
few years, the water quality of rivers has been adversely affected due to harmful wastes and …
few years, the water quality of rivers has been adversely affected due to harmful wastes and …
Scaling enumerative program synthesis via divide and conquer
Given a semantic constraint specified by a logical formula, and a syntactic constraint
specified by a context-free grammar, the Syntax-Guided Synthesis (SyGuS) problem is to …
specified by a context-free grammar, the Syntax-Guided Synthesis (SyGuS) problem is to …
Learning loop invariants for program verification
A fundamental problem in program verification concerns inferring loop invariants. The
problem is undecidable and even practical instances are challenging. Inspired by how …
problem is undecidable and even practical instances are challenging. Inspired by how …
Can large language models transform natural language intent into formal method postconditions?
Informal natural language that describes code functionality, such as code comments or
function documentation, may contain substantial information about a program's intent …
function documentation, may contain substantial information about a program's intent …
Data-driven precondition inference with learned features
We extend the data-driven approach to inferring preconditions for code from a set of test
executions. Prior work requires a fixed set of features, atomic predicates that define the …
executions. Prior work requires a fixed set of features, atomic predicates that define the …
Constraint-based relational verification
In recent years they have been numerous works that aim to automate relational verification.
Meanwhile, although Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs CHCs) empower a wide range of …
Meanwhile, although Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs CHCs) empower a wide range of …
{DistAI}:{Data-Driven} automated invariant learning for distributed protocols
Distributed systems are notoriously hard to implement correctly due to non-determinism.
Finding the inductive invariant of the distributed protocol is a critical step in verifying the …
Finding the inductive invariant of the distributed protocol is a critical step in verifying the …
{DuoAI}: Fast, automated inference of inductive invariants for verifying distributed protocols
Distributed systems are complex and difficult to build correctly. Formal verification can
provably rule out bugs in such systems, but finding an inductive invariant that implies the …
provably rule out bugs in such systems, but finding an inductive invariant that implies the …