Variations in the orientation of the Earth

TM Eubanks - Contributions of space geodesy to geodynamics …, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
Fig. 4.• hematic Power S• cua of Variations in• e• ng• of t• Day. observed solid Earth
nutations, and to determine the non-hydrostatic part of the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB) …

A review of satellite methods to derive surface shortwave irradiance

RT Pinker, R Frouin, Z Li - Remote Sensing of Environment, 1995 - Elsevier
Shortwave radiative fluxes at the earth's surface are of primary interest in climate research
because they control the total energy exchange between the atmosphere and the …

[Књига][B] Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences

DS Wilks - 2011 -
Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Third Edition, explains the latest statistical
methods used to describe, analyze, test, and forecast atmospheric data. This revised and …

[Књига][B] Statistical analysis in climate research

H Von Storch, FW Zwiers - 2002 -
Climatology is, to a large degree, the study of the statistics of our climate. The powerful tools
of mathematical statistics therefore find wide application in climatological research. The …

[Књига][B] Estimating groundwater recharge

RW Healy - 2010 -
Understanding groundwater recharge is essential for successful management of water
resources and modeling fluid and contaminant transport within the subsurface. This book …

Data assimilation using an ensemble Kalman filter technique

PL Houtekamer, HL Mitchell - Monthly weather review, 1998 -
The possibility of performing data assimilation using the flow-dependent statistics calculated
from an ensemble of short-range forecasts (a technique referred to as ensemble Kalman …

Nonlocal boundary layer vertical diffusion in a medium-range forecast model

SY Hong, HL Pan - Monthly weather review, 1996 -
Because of its simplicity and its capability to represent large eddy turbulence within a well-
mixed boundary layer, this scheme has been widely tested for general circulation models as …

[Књига][B] Atmosphere, weather and climate

RG Barry, RJ Chorley - 2009 -
This book presents a comprehensive introduction to weather processes and climatic
conditions around the world, their observed variability and changes, and projected future …

Ensemble forecasting at NMC: The generation of perturbations

Z Toth, E Kalnay - Bulletin of the american meteorological …, 1993 -
On 7 December 1992, The National Meteorological Center (NMC) started operational
ensemble forecasting. The ensemble forecast configuration implemented provides 14 …

Comparison of near-real-time precipitation estimates from satellite observations and numerical models

EE Ebert, JE Janowiak, C Kidd - Bulletin of the American …, 2007 -
An increasing number of satellite-based rainfall products are now available in near–real
time over the Internet to help meet the needs of weather forecasters and climate scientists …