Management of supratentorial intracranial abscess: a review of 200 cases

J Garfield - Br Med J, 1969 -
Two hundred cases of intracranial supratentorial abscess have been reviewed: 100
spanned the years 1951 to 1957, and 100 the years 1962 to 1967. The mortality rate of 40 …

Respiratory syncytial virus disease in infants despite prior administration of antigenic inactivated vaccine

HW Kim, JG Canchola, CD Brandt… - American journal of …, 1969 -
In response to three injections of alum precipitated, 100X concentrated, formalin inactivated
RS vaccine (lot 100), 43% of infant vaccinees displayed a 4-fold or greater rise in serum …

Pathological changes in virus infections of the lower respiratory tract in children

W Aherne, T Bird, PS Gardner, J McQuillin - Journal of clinical …, 1970 -
The pathological changes are described in 22 children with proven or suspected virus
infection of the lower respiratory tract. Two main patterns of disease were found: acute …

Haematemesis and melaena, with special reference to factors influencing the outcome

KFR Schiller, SC Truelove, DG Williams - Br Med J, 1970 -
In a study of 2,149 emergency admissions because of haematemesis or melaena during a
15-year period, the sex ratio, age distribution, and main diagnostic groups showed no major …

Virus infections and respiratory disease of childhood

PS Gardner - Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1968 -
Respiratory disease has always been present amongst children, but the importance of
viruses in its causation is a recent discovery. An historical approach shows the rapid …

Antibiotic treatment of pneumonia and bronchiolitis. A prospective randomised study.

B Friis, P Andersen, E Brenøe, A Hornsleth… - Archives of disease in …, 1984 -
Routine administration of antibiotics in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in
infants and small children was evaluated in an open randomised prospective trial. From …

Apnea associated with respiratory syncytial virus infection in young infants.

FW Bruhn, ST Mokrohisky, K McIntosh - The Journal of pediatrics, 1977 -
The hospital charts of 274 infants under 6 months of age with culture-proved respiratory
syncytial virus infections were reviewed. Fifty-six infants (20.4%) demonstrated apnea in …

Survival of the respiratory syncytial virus during storage under various conditions

MH Hambling - British journal of experimental pathology, 1964 -
MATERIALS AND METHODS Virus strain The" Long" strain of RS viruspropagated in HeLa
cell cuiltures was used in all experiments. Tissue culture HeLa cultures were grown in …

Coagulation and fibrinolytic systems in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

J Bonnar, GP McNicol, AS Douglas - Br Med J, 1971 -
The coagulation and fibrinolytic mechanisms were investigated in a group of patients with
severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and the findings were compared with those of healthy …

Diagnosis and clinical significance of parainfluenza virus infections in children

M Downham, J McQuillin, PS Gardner - Archives of disease in …, 1974 -
The diagnosis and clinical features of parainfluenza virus infections are described in 151
children admitted to hospital over a 2-year period. Immunofluorescence was the most …