[HTML][HTML] CLIMCAPS observing capability for temperature, moisture, and trace gases from AIRS/AMSU and CrIS/ATMS

N Smith, CD Barnet - Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2020 - amt.copernicus.org
Abstract The Community Long-term Infrared Microwave Combined Atmospheric Product
System (CLIMCAPS) retrieves vertical profiles of temperature, water vapor, greenhouse and …

Variance-covariance matrix and averaging kernels for the Levenberg-Marquardt solution of the retrieval of atmospheric vertical profiles

S Ceccherini, M Ridolfi - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010 - acp.copernicus.org
The variance-covariance matrix (VCM) and the averaging kernel matrix (AKM) are widely
used tools to characterize atmospheric vertical profiles retrieved from remote sensing …

Equivalence of data fusion and simultaneous retrieval

S Ceccherini, B Carli, P Raspollini - Optics Express, 2015 - opg.optica.org
A new method for the data fusion of atmospheric vertical profiles, referred to as complete
fusion, is presented. Using the measurements of the MIPAS instrument, the performance of …

[HTML][HTML] Synergetic use of IASI profile and TROPOMI total-column level 2 methane retrieval products

M Schneider, B Ertl, Q Tu, CJ Diekmann… - Atmospheric …, 2022 - amt.copernicus.org
The thermal infrared nadir spectra of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer)
are successfully used for retrievals of different atmospheric trace gas profiles. However …

Importance of interpolation and coincidence errors in data fusion

S Ceccherini, B Carli, C Tirelli, N Zoppetti… - Atmospheric …, 2018 - amt.copernicus.org
The complete data fusion (CDF) method is applied to ozone profiles obtained from simulated
measurements in the ultraviolet and in the thermal infrared in the framework of the Sentinel 4 …

Synergy between middle infrared and millimeter-wave limb sounding of atmospheric temperature and minor constituents

U Cortesi, S Del Bianco, S Ceccherini… - Atmospheric …, 2016 - amt.copernicus.org
Synergistic exploitation of redundant and complementary information from independent
observations of the same target remains a major issue in atmospheric remote sounding and …


S Ceccherini, U Cortesi, S Del Bianco… - Atmospheric …, 2010 - acp.copernicus.org
The combination of data obtained with different sensors (data fusion) is a powerful technique
that can provide target products of the best quality in terms of precision and accuracy, as …

Quality quantifier of indirect measurements

S Ceccherini, B Carli, P Raspollini - Optics Express, 2012 - opg.optica.org
A quality quantifier, referred to as measurement quality quantifier (MQQ), is proposed for
indirect measurements. It satisfies the property that the MQQ of the data fusion of two or …

Retrieval of the vertical column of an atmospheric constituent from data fusion of remote sensing measurements

S Ceccherini, B Carli, U Cortesi, S Del Bianco… - Journal of Quantitative …, 2010 - Elsevier
Techniques of data fusion are presently being considered with increasing interest for
application to atmospheric observations from space because of their capability to optimally …

Synergetic use of IASI and TROPOMI space borne sensors for generating a tropospheric methane profile product

M Schneider, B Ertl, CJ Diekmann… - Atmospheric …, 2021 - amt.copernicus.org
The thermal infrared nadir spectra of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer)
are successfully used for retrievals of different atmospheric trace gas profiles. However …