A survey of safety and trustworthiness of deep neural networks: Verification, testing, adversarial attack and defence, and interpretability
In the past few years, significant progress has been made on deep neural networks (DNNs)
in achieving human-level performance on several long-standing tasks. With the broader …
in achieving human-level performance on several long-standing tasks. With the broader …
Continuous and interval constraints
F Benhamou, L Granvilliers - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, 2006 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter reviews that continuous constraint solving has been widely
studied in several fields of applied mathematics and computer science. In computer algebra …
studied in several fields of applied mathematics and computer science. In computer algebra …
[KNYGA][B] Optimization methods: from theory to design scientific and technological aspects in mechanics
M Cavazzuti - 2012 - books.google.com
This book is about optimization techniques and is subdivided into two parts. In the first part a
wide overview on optimization theory is presented. Optimization is presented as being …
wide overview on optimization theory is presented. Optimization is presented as being …
[KNYGA][B] Introduction to interval analysis
This book is intended primarily for those not yet familiar with methods for computing with
intervals of real numbers and what can be done with these methods. Using a pair [a, b] of …
intervals of real numbers and what can be done with these methods. Using a pair [a, b] of …
[KNYGA][B] Handbook of constraint programming
Constraint programming is a powerful paradigm for solving combinatorial search problems
that draws on a wide range of techniques from artificial intelligence, computer science …
that draws on a wide range of techniques from artificial intelligence, computer science …
Minimizing electricity cost: Optimization of distributed internet data centers in a multi-electricity-market environment
The study of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) has been an active area of research. Internet
Data Center (IDC) is an important emerging Cyber-Physical System. As the demand on …
Data Center (IDC) is an important emerging Cyber-Physical System. As the demand on …
Complete search in continuous global optimization and constraint satisfaction
A Neumaier - Acta numerica, 2004 - cambridge.org
This survey covers the state of the art of techniques for solving general-purpose constrained
global optimization problems and continuous constraint satisfaction problems, with …
global optimization problems and continuous constraint satisfaction problems, with …
Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic
SM Rump - Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
The classical mathematical proof is performed by pencil and paper. However, there are
many ways in which computers may be used in a mathematical proof. But" proofs by …
many ways in which computers may be used in a mathematical proof. But" proofs by …
[PDF][PDF] Interval analysis I
RE Moore, CT Yang - … Document LMSD-285875, Lockheed Missiles and …, 1959 - nsc.ru
This book is intended primarily for those not yet familiar with methods for computing with
intervals of real numbers and what can be done with these methods. Using a pair [a, b] of …
intervals of real numbers and what can be done with these methods. Using a pair [a, b] of …
[KNYGA][B] Global optimization: theory, algorithms, and applications
M Locatelli, F Schoen - 2013 - SIAM
The first systematic overviews on global optimization appeared in 1975–1978 thanks to two
fundamental volumes titled Towards Global Optimization (Dixon & Szegö, 1975, 1978). At …
fundamental volumes titled Towards Global Optimization (Dixon & Szegö, 1975, 1978). At …