Attributes influencing guests' experiences: A comparison of nonprofit and for-profit peer-to-peer accommodation platforms

VC Medina-Hernandez, E Marine-Roig… - … Technology & Tourism, 2024 - Springer
Peer-to-peer accommodation has generated an ecosystem of platforms with different
business models (ie, for-profit and nonprofit). This study aims to identify and compare …

[HTML][HTML] Expressing the experience: An analysis of Airbnb customer sentiments

AIGP Santos, ARC Perinotto, JRR Soares… - Tourism and …, 2022 -
There is a growing interest in research related to Airbnb, and one theme that has stood out is
the analysis of the consumer experience. This study aimed to analyse the feelings …

An extensive analysis of online restaurant reviews: a case study of the Amazonian Culinary Tourism

LC Fernandes, J Silva, A Jacob… - 2020 15th Conference …, 2020 -
Analyzing User-Generated Content present in social media has become mandatory for
companies looking for maintaining competitiveness. These data contain information such as …

Um olhar sobre turismo gastronômico: Um caso no TripAdvisor

LF Junior, JS Junior, F Lobato - Encontro Nacional de Inteligência …, 2020 -
Analisar e extrair informac ̧oes do Conte ̃ udo Gerado pelo Usuário (UGC) tornou-se um
topico de pesquisa com crescente atenção. Esses dados contem informações como …

A Low-Cost High-Performance Semantic and Physical Distance Calculation Method Based on ZIP Code

D Li, Y Wang, R Yamamoto, Y Kawai… - … on Information and …, 2022 -
Recently, machine learning approaches and user movement history analysis on mobile
devices have attracted much attention. Generally, we need to apply text data into the word …

A influência da qualidade do servià § o na hospitalidade domiciliar: um estudo do uso da Airbnb por turistas

RR Cagnacci -
A qualidade do servià § o aplica-se a vá rios setores da economia, incluindo o setor do
turismo. E o turismo, como um setor que acompanha a evoluà § ã o dos tempos, entrou na …

Análise de Sentimentos para Subsidiar Reformas Curriculares Considerando o Ponto de Vista Estudantil

AF Barbosa, EL Gallindo, MWL Moreira - Workshop de Aplicações …, 2022 -
O sistema de educação escolar vigente no Brasil está organizado em dois níveis, sendo um
deles o ensino superior. Neste nível, são asseguradas a criação, organização e extinção de …

Characterization of the discrepancies between scores and texts of movie reviews

KS Martins, POSV de Melo - … of the 25th Brazillian Symposium on …, 2019 -
Review websites have changed the business world, influencing the sale and purchase of
products, music and movies. They allow users to evaluate a particular subject from a score …