[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of trustworthy artificial intelligence applications in natural disasters
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant promise for advancing natural disaster
management through the use of predictive models that analyze extensive datasets, identify …
management through the use of predictive models that analyze extensive datasets, identify …
Deep learning methods for flood map**: a review of existing applications and future research directions
Deep Learning techniques have been increasingly used in flood management to overcome
the limitations of accurate, yet slow, numerical models, and to improve the results of …
the limitations of accurate, yet slow, numerical models, and to improve the results of …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial flood susceptibility map** using an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) model
Floods are natural hazards that lead to devastating financial losses and large displacements
of people. Flood susceptibility maps can improve mitigation measures according to the …
of people. Flood susceptibility maps can improve mitigation measures according to the …
[HTML][HTML] Soil water erosion susceptibility assessment using deep learning algorithms
Accurate assessment of soil water erosion (SWE) susceptibility is critical for reducing land
degradation and soil loss, and for mitigating the negative impacts of erosion on ecosystem …
degradation and soil loss, and for mitigating the negative impacts of erosion on ecosystem …
Convolutional neural network (CNN) with metaheuristic optimization algorithms for landslide susceptibility map** in Icheon, South Korea
Landslides are a geological hazard that can pose a serious threat to human health and the
environment of highlands or mountain slopes. Landslide susceptibility map** is an …
environment of highlands or mountain slopes. Landslide susceptibility map** is an …
[HTML][HTML] Flooding and its relationship with land cover change, population growth, and road density
Bangladesh experiences frequent hydro-climatic disasters such as flooding. These disasters
are believed to be associated with land use changes and climate variability. However …
are believed to be associated with land use changes and climate variability. However …
Enhancing flood susceptibility modeling using multi-temporal SAR images, CHIRPS data, and hybrid machine learning algorithms
Flood susceptibility maps are useful tool for planners and emergency management
professionals in the early warning and mitigation stages of floods. In this study, Sentinel-1 …
professionals in the early warning and mitigation stages of floods. In this study, Sentinel-1 …
[HTML][HTML] UAVs in disaster management: Application of integrated aerial imagery and convolutional neural network for flood detection
Floods have been a major cause of destruction, instigating fatalities and massive damage to
the infrastructure and overall economy of the affected country. Flood-related devastation …
the infrastructure and overall economy of the affected country. Flood-related devastation …
RR-Former: Rainfall-runoff modeling based on Transformer
H Yin, Z Guo, X Zhang, J Chen, Y Zhang - Journal of Hydrology, 2022 - Elsevier
Recently, the long short-term memory (LSTM) based rainfall-runoff models have achieved
good performance and thus have received many attentions. In this paper, we propose a …
good performance and thus have received many attentions. In this paper, we propose a …
Artificial neural network approaches for disaster management: A literature review
Disaster management (DM) is one of the leading fields that deal with the humanitarian
aspects of emergencies. The field has attracted researchers because of its ever-increasing …
aspects of emergencies. The field has attracted researchers because of its ever-increasing …