The impact of false data injection attacks against remedial action schemes
Deployment of energy management systems in electric utilities has resulted in improvement
of situational awareness in power systems. However, additional cyber security issues are …
of situational awareness in power systems. However, additional cyber security issues are …
Controlled islanding resilience with high penetration of renewable energy resources
Controlled islanding is a last-resort recovery scheme for preventing cascading failures.
Although effective, high levels of uncertainty from renewable energy resources challenge …
Although effective, high levels of uncertainty from renewable energy resources challenge …
[HTML][HTML] End-to-end deep graph convolutional neural network approach for intentional islanding in power systems considering load-generation balance
Intentional islanding is a corrective procedure that aims to protect the stability of the power
system during an emergency, by dividing the grid into several partitions and isolating the …
system during an emergency, by dividing the grid into several partitions and isolating the …
[HTML][HTML] Controlled islanding under complete and partial false data injection attack uncertainties against phasor measurement units
The widespread application of phasor measurement units has improved grid operational
reliability. However, this has increased the risk of cyber threats such as false data injection …
reliability. However, this has increased the risk of cyber threats such as false data injection …
Increasing resilience of power systems using intentional islanding; a comparison of Binary genetic algorithm and deep learning based method
Several algorithms combining qualitative and quantitative components are currently used for
splitting a large interconnected power grid into islands as a measure to provide the best …
splitting a large interconnected power grid into islands as a measure to provide the best …
Impact Assessment, Detection, And Mitigation Of False Data Attacks In Electrical Power Systems
S Basumallik - 2021 - search.proquest.com
The global energy market has seen a massive increase in investment and capital flow in the
last few decades. This has completely transformed the way power grids operate-legacy …
last few decades. This has completely transformed the way power grids operate-legacy …