[HTML][HTML] Adoption drivers of improved Open-Pollinated (OPVs) maize varieties by smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
This study assesses the determinants of adoption drivers of improved open-pollinated
(OPVs) maize varieties by smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa …
(OPVs) maize varieties by smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa …
Economic analysis of smallholder maize farmers: Implications for public extension services in Eastern Cape
This study sought to determine the economics of maize farmers in Amatole District, Eastern
Cape. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select hundred and nine (109) …
Cape. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select hundred and nine (109) …
[HTML][HTML] Linking agricultural index insurance with factors that influence maize yield in rain-fed smallholder farming systems
Weather extremes pose substantial threats to food security in areas where the main source
of livelihood is rain-fed crop production. In most of these areas, agricultural index insurance …
of livelihood is rain-fed crop production. In most of these areas, agricultural index insurance …
Do satellite data correlate with in situ rainfall and smallholder crop yields? Implications for crop insurance
Adverse weather is one of the most prevalent sources of risk in agriculture. Its impacts are
aggravated by the lack of effective risk management mechanisms. That is why resource-poor …
aggravated by the lack of effective risk management mechanisms. That is why resource-poor …
Participatory variety selection of maize genotypes in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Participatory variety selection (PVS) is important in understanding farmers' selection criteria,
raising awareness, and facilitating adoption of improved varieties. This study aimed to …
raising awareness, and facilitating adoption of improved varieties. This study aimed to …
Analysis of the economic impact of Rural Enterprise Development Hub Project on maize farmers in Mqanduli, South Africa
The research analysed the economic impact of Rural Enterprise Development Hub Project
(RED Hub Project) on maize farmers. A sample of 200 maizefarmers was drawn from a total …
(RED Hub Project) on maize farmers. A sample of 200 maizefarmers was drawn from a total …
[HTML][HTML] Semi-Arid Environmental Conditions and Agronomic Traits Impact on the Grain Quality of Diverse Maize Genotypes
We assessed the impact of environmental conditions and agronomic traits on maize grain
quality parameters. The study was conducted using genotypes with distinct genetic …
quality parameters. The study was conducted using genotypes with distinct genetic …
[HTML][HTML] A proposed satellite-based crop insurance system for smallholder maize farming
Crop farming in Sub-Saharan Africa is constantly confronted by extreme weather events.
Researchers have been striving to develop different tools that can be used to reduce the …
Researchers have been striving to develop different tools that can be used to reduce the …
Conservation agriculture, conservation farming and conventional tillage adoption, efficiency and economic benefits in semi-arid Zimbabwe
C Mvumi, O Ndoro, SA Manyiwo - African Journal of …, 2017 - academicjournals.org
Conservation practices can be of great importance in semi-arid regions for obtaining high
crop yields and income, but adoption of the conservation practices, economic efficiencies …
crop yields and income, but adoption of the conservation practices, economic efficiencies …