Dynamical principles in neuroscience
Dynamical modeling of neural systems and brain functions has a history of success over the
last half century. This includes, for example, the explanation and prediction of some features …
last half century. This includes, for example, the explanation and prediction of some features …
Dissipative solitons
HG Purwins, HU Bödeker, S Amiranashvili - Advances in Physics, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The present review summarizes experimental and theoretical work dealing with self-
organized solitary localized structures (LSs) that are observed in spatially extended …
organized solitary localized structures (LSs) that are observed in spatially extended …
Variational quantum algorithms for nonlinear problems
We show that nonlinear problems including nonlinear partial differential equations can be
efficiently solved by variational quantum computing. We achieve this by utilizing multiple …
efficiently solved by variational quantum computing. We achieve this by utilizing multiple …
Dynamical movement primitives: learning attractor models for motor behaviors
Nonlinear dynamical systems have been used in many disciplines to model complex
behaviors, including biological motor control, robotics, perception, economics, traffic …
behaviors, including biological motor control, robotics, perception, economics, traffic …
[HTML][HTML] On explaining the surprising success of reservoir computing forecaster of chaos? The universal machine learning dynamical system with contrast to VAR and …
E Bollt - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear …, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
A correction has been published: Erratum:“On explaining the surprising success of reservoir
computing forecaster of chaos? The universal machine learning dynamical system with …
computing forecaster of chaos? The universal machine learning dynamical system with …
[HTML][HTML] The fractional soliton solutions of dynamical system arising in plasma physics: The comparative analysis
In light of fractional theory, this paper presents several new effective solitonic formulations
for the Langmuir and ion sound wave equations. Prior to this study, no previous research …
for the Langmuir and ion sound wave equations. Prior to this study, no previous research …
The investigation of unique optical soliton solutions for dual-mode nonlinear Schrödinger's equation with new mechanisms
B Kopçasız, E Yaşar - Journal of Optics, 2023 - Springer
In this study, we regard the dual-mode nonlinear Schrödinger equation (DMNLSE). The
DMNLSE depicts the propagations of two-moving waves synchronically. The extended …
DMNLSE depicts the propagations of two-moving waves synchronically. The extended …
Modulation instability analysis, optical and other solutions to the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation
This paper studies the new families of exact traveling wave solutions with the modified
nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which models the propagation of rogue waves in ocean …
nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which models the propagation of rogue waves in ocean …
Nonlinear ultrafast fiber amplifiers beyond the gain-narrowing limit
Ultrafast lasers are becoming increasingly widespread in science and industry alike. Fiber-
based ultrafast laser sources are especially attractive because of their compactness …
based ultrafast laser sources are especially attractive because of their compactness …
Interactions of localized wave structures on periodic backgrounds for the coupled Lakshmanan–Porsezian–Daniel equations in birefringent optical fibers
XL Li, R Guo - Annalen der Physik, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Nonlinear waves on periodic backgrounds play an important role in physical systems. In this
study, nonlinear waves that include solitons, breathers, rogue waves, and semi‐rational …
study, nonlinear waves that include solitons, breathers, rogue waves, and semi‐rational …