On knowledge-poor methods for person name matching and lemmatization for highly inflectional languages

J Piskorski, K Wieloch, M Sydow - Information retrieval, 2009‏ - Springer
Web person search is one of the most common activities of Internet users. Recently, a vast
amount of work on applying various NLP techniques for person name disambiguation in …

[PDF][PDF] A self-learning context-aware lemmatizer for German

P Perera, R Witte - … and Conference on Empirical Methods in …, 2005‏ - aclanthology.org
Accurate lemmatization of German nouns mandates the use of a lexicon. Comprehensive
lexicons, however, are expensive to build and maintain. We present a selflearning …

Improving passage retrieval in question answering using NLP

J Tiedemann - Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2005‏ - Springer
This paper describes an approach for the integration of linguistic information in passage
retrieval in an open-source question answering system for Dutch. Annotation produced by …

Extraction of complex index terms in non-English IR: A shallow parsing based approach

J Vilares, MA Alonso, M Vilares - Information processing & management, 2008‏ - Elsevier
The performance of information retrieval systems is limited by the linguistic variation present
in natural language texts. Word-level natural language processing techniques have been …

Measuring the impact of cognates in parallel text alignment

VMD Bilbao, JGP Lopes… - … portuguese conference on …, 2005‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper evaluates the impact of considering cognates for aligning parallel texts using our
aligner. By considering that two words may be cognates if their similarity is higher than a …

Identification and Analysis of Health States in Twitter Messages

EGS Morais - 2022‏ - search.proquest.com
Social media has become very widely used all over the world for its ability to connect people
from different countries and create global communities. One of the most prominent social …

Information retrieval and large text structured corpora

FM Barcala, MA Molinero, E Domínguez - International Conference on …, 2005‏ - Springer
Abstract Conventional Information Retrieval Systems (IRSs), also called text indexers, deal
with plain text documents or ones with a very elementary structure. These kinds of system …

Representaciones vectoriales orientadas a conceptos y estructura para recuperación de información

MC Ruiz - 2010‏ - inaoe.repositorioinstitucional.mx
Language is one of the most impressive human abilities. Broca and Wernicke, specialized
areas of the brain, suggest to us we genetically have neurological components for language …


SC Carrera, MF Gavilanes, MV Ferro‏ - grupocole.org
Introducimos una propuesta en recuperación de información basada en la consideración de
recursos sintácticos y semánticos generados automáticamente a partir de la propia …

[PDF][PDF] TIN2004-07246-C03

MV Ferro, MAA Pardo, VJD Madrigal‏ - grupolys.org
The phenomenon of globalisation in the access to information forces us to face the
challenge of adapting to it. There are four main reasons for this. Firstly, as a result of the …