A review of hierarchical classification

AD Gordon - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A …, 1987 - Wiley Online Library
SUMMARY A review is presented of methods of summarizing the relationships within a set
of objects by a set of hierarchically‐nested classes of similar objects, representable by a …

Decision trees and diagrams

BME Moret - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 1982 - dl.acm.org
Decision trees and diagrams (also known as sequential evaluation procedures) have
widespread applications in databases, dec~ smn table programming, concrete complexity …

Efficient algorithms for agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods

WHE Day, H Edelsbrunner - Journal of classification, 1984 - Springer
Whenever n objects are characterized by a matrix of pairwise dissimilarities, they may be
clustered by any of a number of sequential, agglomerative, hierarchical, nonoverlap** …

Multidimensional divide-and-conquer

JL Bentley - Communications of the ACM, 1980 - dl.acm.org
Most results in the field of algorithm design are single algorithms that solve single problems.
In this paper we discuss multidimensional divide-and-conquer, an algorithmic paradigm that …

[CARTE][B] Time in geographic information systems

G Kucera - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Time in Geographic Information Systems Page 1 Time in Geographic Information Systems
Page 2 Technical Issues in Geographic Information Systems Series Editors: Donna J. Peuquet …

[CARTE][B] Research methods in social network analysis

LC Freeman - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Since the publication of Herbert Spencer's Principles of Sociology in 1875, the use of social
structure as a defining concept has produced a large body of creative speculations, insights …

[CARTE][B] Projeto de algoritmos: com implementações em Pascal e C

N Ziviani - 2004 - academia.edu
Este livro apresenta uma introdução ao estudo de algoritmos computacionais. As principais
técnicas de projeto de algoritmos são ensinadas através da explicação detalhada de …

Optimal algorithms for comparing trees with labeled leaves

WHE Day - Journal of classification, 1985 - Springer
Let R n denote the set of rooted trees with n leaves in which: the leaves are labeled by the
integers in {1,..., n}; and among interior vertices only the root may have degree two …

The tracker: A threat to statistical database security

DE Denning, PJ Denning - ACM Transactions on Database Systems …, 1979 - dl.acm.org
The query programs of certain databases report raw statistics for query sets, which are
groups of records specified implicitly by a characteristic formula. The raw statistics include …

[CARTE][B] Principles of software engineering and design

MV Zelkowitz, AC Shaw, JD Gannon - 1979 - dl.acm.org
Principles of Software Engineering and Design | Guide books skip to main content ACM Digital
Library home ACM home Google, Inc. (search) Advanced Search Browse About Sign in …