Asynchronous parallel stochastic gradient for nonconvex optimization
The asynchronous parallel implementations of stochastic gradient (SG) have been broadly
used in solving deep neural network and received many successes in practice recently …
used in solving deep neural network and received many successes in practice recently …
Taming the wild: A unified analysis of hogwild-style algorithms
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a ubiquitous algorithm for a variety of machine learning
problems. Researchers and industry have developed several techniques to optimize SGD's …
problems. Researchers and industry have developed several techniques to optimize SGD's …
Adding vs. averaging in distributed primal-dual optimization
Distributed optimization methods for large-scale machine learning suffer from a
communication bottleneck. It is difficult to reduce this bottleneck while still efficiently and …
communication bottleneck. It is difficult to reduce this bottleneck while still efficiently and …
Stochastic quasi-gradient methods: Variance reduction via Jacobian sketching
We develop a new family of variance reduced stochastic gradient descent methods for
minimizing the average of a very large number of smooth functions. Our method—JacSketch …
minimizing the average of a very large number of smooth functions. Our method—JacSketch …
A primer on coordinate descent algorithms
This monograph presents a class of algorithms called coordinate descent algorithms for
mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers outside the field of optimization. This particular …
mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers outside the field of optimization. This particular …
A comprehensive linear speedup analysis for asynchronous stochastic parallel optimization from zeroth-order to first-order
Asynchronous parallel optimization received substantial successes and extensive attention
recently. One of core theoretical questions is how much speedup (or benefit) the …
recently. One of core theoretical questions is how much speedup (or benefit) the …
A parallel computing approach to solve traffic assignment using path-based gradient projection algorithm
This paper presents a Parallel Block-Coordinate Descent (PBCD) algorithm for solving the
user equilibrium traffic assignment problem. Most of the existing algorithms for the user …
user equilibrium traffic assignment problem. Most of the existing algorithms for the user …
Distributed asynchronous optimization with unbounded delays: How slow can you go?
One of the most widely used optimization methods for large-scale machine learning
problems is distributed asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (DASGD). However, a key …
problems is distributed asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (DASGD). However, a key …
Distributed multi-task relationship learning
Multi-task learning aims to learn multiple tasks jointly by exploiting their relatedness to
improve the generalization performance for each task. Traditionally, to perform multi-task …
improve the generalization performance for each task. Traditionally, to perform multi-task …
Fastest rates for stochastic mirror descent methods
Relative smoothness—a notion introduced in Birnbaum et al.(Proceedings of the 12th ACM
conference on electronic commerce, ACM, pp 127–136, 2011) and recently rediscovered in …
conference on electronic commerce, ACM, pp 127–136, 2011) and recently rediscovered in …