[HTML][HTML] Extracting sentence embeddings from pretrained transformer models
Pre-trained transformer models shine in many natural language processing tasks and
therefore are expected to bear the representation of the input sentence or text meaning …
therefore are expected to bear the representation of the input sentence or text meaning …
Generate, discriminate and contrast: A semi-supervised sentence representation learning framework
Most sentence embedding techniques heavily rely on expensive human-annotated
sentence pairs as the supervised signals. Despite the use of large-scale unlabeled data, the …
sentence pairs as the supervised signals. Despite the use of large-scale unlabeled data, the …
Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings from Scratch
Contrastive learning has been the dominant approach to train state-of-the-art sentence
embeddings. Previous studies have typically learned sentence embeddings either through …
embeddings. Previous studies have typically learned sentence embeddings either through …
What makes sentences semantically related: A textual relatedness dataset and empirical study
The degree of semantic relatedness of two units of language has long been considered
fundamental to understanding meaning. Additionally, automatically determining relatedness …
fundamental to understanding meaning. Additionally, automatically determining relatedness …
Compositionality and Sentence Meaning: Comparing Semantic Parsing and Transformers on a Challenging Sentence Similarity Dataset
One of the major outstanding questions in computational semantics is how humans integrate
the meaning of individual words into a sentence in a way that enables understanding of …
the meaning of individual words into a sentence in a way that enables understanding of …
Semantic-Aware Contrastive Sentence Representation Learning with Large Language Models
Contrastive learning has been proven to be effective in learning better sentence
representations. However, to train a contrastive learning model, large numbers of labeled …
representations. However, to train a contrastive learning model, large numbers of labeled …
SimCSE++: Improving contrastive learning for sentence embeddings from two perspectives
This paper improves contrastive learning for sentence embeddings from two perspectives:
handling dropout noise and addressing feature corruption. Specifically, for the first …
handling dropout noise and addressing feature corruption. Specifically, for the first …
Synwmd: Syntax-aware word mover's distance for sentence similarity evaluation
Abstract Word Mover's Distance (WMD) computes the distance between words and models
text similarity with the moving cost between words in two text sequences. Yet, it does not …
text similarity with the moving cost between words in two text sequences. Yet, it does not …
[PDF][PDF] Why is sentence similarity benchmark not predictive of application-oriented task performance?
Computing the semantic similarity between two texts is crucial in various NLP tasks. For
more than a decade, a framework, known as Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) has been …
more than a decade, a framework, known as Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) has been …
Large Language Models can Contrastively Refine their Generation for Better Sentence Representation Learning
Recently, large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a groundbreaking technology
and their unparalleled text generation capabilities have sparked interest in their application …
and their unparalleled text generation capabilities have sparked interest in their application …