Uncovering quality-attribute concerns in use case specifications via early aspect mining
A Rago, C Marcos, JA Diaz-Pace - Requirements Engineering, 2013 - Springer
Quality-attribute requirements describe constraints on the development and behavior of a
software system, and their satisfaction is key for the success of a software project. Detecting …
software system, and their satisfaction is key for the success of a software project. Detecting …
Applying AOP concepts to increase web services flexibility
MMB Hmida, RF Tomaz… - … Conference on Next …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Web service is the fitted technical solution which provides the required loose coupling to
achieve service oriented architecture (SOA). In previous works, we propose an approach …
achieve service oriented architecture (SOA). In previous works, we propose an approach …
Aspectual connectors: supporting the seamless integration of aspects and ADLs
Com o amadurecimento das pesquisas em Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a
Aspectos (DSOA) é necessário investigar se as abstrações das Linguagens de Descrição …
Aspectos (DSOA) é necessário investigar se as abstrações das Linguagens de Descrição …
Assisting requirements analysts to find latent concerns with REAssistant
A Rago, C Marcos, JA Diaz-Pace - Automated Software Engineering, 2016 - Springer
Textual requirements are very common in software projects. However, this format of
requirements often keeps relevant concerns (eg, performance, synchronization, data access …
requirements often keeps relevant concerns (eg, performance, synchronization, data access …
[PDF][PDF] Feature Driven Survey of Big Data Systems.
CA Salma, B Tekinerdogan, IN Athanasiadis - IoTBD, 2016 - scitepress.org
Big Data has become a very important driver for innovation and growth for various industries
such as health, administration, agriculture, defence, and education. Storing and analysing …
such as health, administration, agriculture, defence, and education. Storing and analysing …
AC2-ADL: Architectural description of aspect-oriented systems
W **g, Y Shi, Z LinLin… - 2008 Advanced Software …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The traditional Architectural Description Languages ADLs lack the ability to describe the
crosscutting concerns and crosscutting interactions in the software architecture, which result …
crosscutting concerns and crosscutting interactions in the software architecture, which result …
A taxonomy of asymmetric requirements aspects
The early aspects community has received increasing attention among researchers and
practitioners, and has grown a set of meaningful terminology and concepts in recent years …
practitioners, and has grown a set of meaningful terminology and concepts in recent years …
Separating variability concerns in a product line re-engineering project
Feature diagrams have now become common variability models in software product lines
engineering literature. Whereas ongoing research keeps improving their expressiveness …
engineering literature. Whereas ongoing research keeps improving their expressiveness …
[PDF][PDF] Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD)
J Brichau, T D'Hondt - European network of excellence on aspect-oriented …, 2005 - Citeseer
This document introduces readers familiar with software development to the concepts of
aspect-orientation. We present why aspect-orientation is needed in modern software …
aspect-orientation. We present why aspect-orientation is needed in modern software …
An aspect-oriented UML tool for software development with early aspects
Aspect-oriented Component Engineering uses early aspects to better categorize and reason
about provided and required services of individual components in software systems. Our …
about provided and required services of individual components in software systems. Our …