[HTML][HTML] Considerations for estimating operational greenhouse gas emissions in whole building life-cycle assessments
Building operations, which include the energy from electricity and natural gas account for
about 28% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Stakeholders need accurate …
about 28% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Stakeholders need accurate …
Estimation of energy demand and greenhouse gas emission reduction effect of cross-laminated timber (CLT) hybrid wall using life cycle assessment for urban …
The building and construction sector accounted for 36% of final energy use and 37% of
energy and process-related carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in 2020. According to a recent …
energy and process-related carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in 2020. According to a recent …
Rethinking the complex effects of the clean energy transition on air pollution abatement: Evidence from China's coal-to-gas policy
D Wu, Y ** a systematic framework for integrating life cycle carbon emission assessment in urban building energy modeling
Extensive research has been conducted in recent years on the environmental evaluation of
building lifecycles, spanning construction, usage, and end-of-life phases. This holistic …
building lifecycles, spanning construction, usage, and end-of-life phases. This holistic …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the environmental impact of building life cycle: A carbon reduction strategy through innovative design, intelligent construction, and secondary …
Q Meng, L Hu, M Li, X Qi - Developments in the Built Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
The sustainable development of low-carbon buildings has aroused widespread concern in
the whole society. This study aims to propose a three-step carbon reduction strategy based …
the whole society. This study aims to propose a three-step carbon reduction strategy based …
Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste management in Samsun, Turkey: different scenarios with emphasis on energy and material recovery
This study presents the first life cycle assessment for the municipal solid waste management
system of Samsun, the largest city in the Black Sea region in Turkey (about 1 million people) …
system of Samsun, the largest city in the Black Sea region in Turkey (about 1 million people) …
[HTML][HTML] Life cycle energy consumption prediction based on an extended system boundary with the Bi-LSTM model: An empirical study of China
Global warming and natural disasters have wreaked havoc on Earth these days. Energy
conservation has been a priority under social development pressure, especially in the …
conservation has been a priority under social development pressure, especially in the …