Environmental effects on behavioural development consequences for fitness of captive‐reared fishes in the wild
Why do captive‐reared fishes generally have lower fitness in natural environments than wild
conspecifics, even when the hatchery fishes are derived from wild parents from the local …
conspecifics, even when the hatchery fishes are derived from wild parents from the local …
The importance of fission–fusion social group dynamics in birds
Almost all animal social groups show some form of fission–fusion dynamics, whereby group
membership is not spatio‐temporally stable. These dynamics have major implications at …
membership is not spatio‐temporally stable. These dynamics have major implications at …
[KNYGA][B] Sociality: the behaviour of group-living animals
Social organisation in animals takes many forms. It includes assemblages of territorial
animals, dominance hierarchies and social groups, among other things. The basic tenet that …
animals, dominance hierarchies and social groups, among other things. The basic tenet that …
[KNYGA][B] Fish cognition and behavior
In the second edition of this fascinating book an international team of experts have been
brought together to explore all major areas of fish learning, including: Foraging skills …
brought together to explore all major areas of fish learning, including: Foraging skills …
The social zebrafish: behavioral responses to conspecific, heterospecific, and computer animated fish
C Saverino, R Gerlai - Behavioural brain research, 2008 - Elsevier
Zebrafish has been in the forefront of developmental biology and genetics, but only recently
has interest in their behavior increased. Zebrafish are small and prolific, which lends this …
has interest in their behavior increased. Zebrafish are small and prolific, which lends this …
[PDF][PDF] Pre-emptive low cost social distancing and enhanced hygiene implemented before local COVID-19 transmission could decrease the number and severity of …
China appears to have constrained transmission of COVID-19 outside of Hubei Provence
through rapid and intensive containment and mitigation interventions. Most countries only …
through rapid and intensive containment and mitigation interventions. Most countries only …
Shoaling develops with age in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
C Buske, R Gerlai - Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and …, 2011 - Elsevier
The biological mechanisms of human social behavior are complex. Animal models may
facilitate the understanding of these mechanisms and may help one to develop treatment …
facilitate the understanding of these mechanisms and may help one to develop treatment …
Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish
The extreme body sizes of megafishes associated with their high commercial values and
recreational interests have made them highly threatened in their native range worldwide by …
recreational interests have made them highly threatened in their native range worldwide by …
Male territoriality mediates density and sex ratio effects on oviposition in the zebrafish, Danio rerio
Skew in the operational sex ratio of a population can have important consequences for
mating competition and typically results in differential mating success. Population density …
mating competition and typically results in differential mating success. Population density …
Learning of foraging skills by fish
K Warburton - Fish and Fisheries, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter outlines the relationships between a number of key factors that influence
learning and memory, and illustrates them by reference to studies on the foraging behaviour …
learning and memory, and illustrates them by reference to studies on the foraging behaviour …